Property:Ticket title

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name  title
label  title
type  Special:Types/Text→Special:Types/Text
index  2
primaryKey  false
mandatory  false
size  100
uploadable  false
documentation  the ticket title
showInGrid  true
isLink  false
topic  Concept:Ticket→Concept:Ticket

Text This is a Property with type Special:Types/Text

Showing 500 pages using this property.
make multiquery result available via webapi with content negotiation  +
Work around upstream Nominatim OSM Pythontools issue  +
add ordinal distribution query  +
migrate confref data from Proceedings Title Parser here  +
add Webserver  +
add bib file import  +
Update requirements.txt  +
Locality fixes  +
migrate crossref data from proceedings title parser here  +
allow updating the database via webserver  +
migrate dblp data source here from ptp and dblpconf  +
wikiCFP 500 Internal Server and TimeOut Error Handling  +
refactor eventseries RESTFul service to nicegui/FastAPI  +
refactor to use nicegui  +
convert sidif to plantuml  +
convert sidif to SOML  +
Parse according to SiDIF Grammar  +
Use qualifiers for dict of dict notation  +
convert dict tree to sidif  +
handle isA and addsTo semantics  +
Convert sidif to JSON  +
show summary about kept files  +
refactor com.bitplan.backup Java solution  +
show debug information  +
alway keep the most recent file  +
show # age and size of file and total (sum) of file sizes  +
allow dry run  +
allow to create TestFiles via commandLine  +
allow to specify minimum size of files  +
fix getCacheFile to use self.config if config is None  +
integrate pandas dataframes  +
offer warnOnNone and warnOnUnsupportedTypes for Type handling  +
support pydantic as a schema support  +
Add option to specify cacheDir location in StorageConfig  +
FromJson with taking type information from getSamples  +
improve error message when create table command fails  +
refactor EntityManager from ProceedingTitleParser here for reuse  +
transitive dependency for SPARQLWrapper missing  +
make limit and batchSize available again for store  +
add append option to store API  +
addQueryDocumentation  +
add pewee adaption  +
Regression: storeToJsonFile and restoreFromJsonFile missing in JSONAble  +
add check_same_thread to be able to set it to False  +
add getTableDict convenience function  +
make Types JSONAble to allow to store type information along side json data files  +
strToDatetime fails on invalid datetime strings e.g. with year out of range  +
fix behavior for invalid json  +
migrate query manager from ptp here  +
isCached should be True even if count is less than 100  +
need to export pylatexenc dependency  +
Functionality to convert between LoD and CSV  +
integrate tabulate  +
add Lookup map option  +
add improved UML support from Proceedings Title Parser  +
offer execute wrapper directly via sqlDB  +
SQL handling of Lists  +
date type handling should be more robust - list handling should return a list of problems instead of failing  +
set None value for undefined LoD entries  +
add intersect methods  +
addWikiData Linker to QueryResultDocumentation and callback for further such handlers while at it  +
getLookup fails on duplicates  +
allow to only warn if samplerecordcount is higher than number of available records  +
sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: ... show debug info  +
Refactor JSON support from DgraphAndWeaviateTest  +
add plot option  +
regression return of lists needed for restoreFromJsonFile and restoreFromJsonStr for backward compatiblity  +
add fixNone option to SPARQL results (same functionality as in SQL)  +
use setAttr instead of assigning __dict__  +
Allow use of params in queries  +
add initSqlDB  +
getLookup fails if value is list  +
regression - getListOfDicts callback not handled as function  +
auto create generalization view ddl for tablelist  +
add SPARQL support  +
add limit for query.documentQueryResult  +
Limit stored attributes of JSONAble to attributes of the samples  +
queryDocumentation: Fix tryItMarkup if lang is not SPARQL and fix links with special chars  +
need to fix round-trip json behavior  +
Support conversion to rdf triples  +
add try it! button to Query documentation  +
support date values in format supplied e.g. by wikidata 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z  +
Make available via pypi  +
datetime handling sqlite error should lead to warning and not raise an exception  +
set sampleRecordCount to -1 / all as a default for fromCache handling  +
Avoid wikidata 403  +
fix getCacheFile to use self.config if config is None  +
integrate pandas dataframes  +
offer warnOnNone and warnOnUnsupportedTypes for Type handling  +
support pydantic as a schema support  +
Add option to specify cacheDir location in StorageConfig  +
FromJson with taking type information from getSamples  +
improve error message when create table command fails  +
refactor EntityManager from ProceedingTitleParser here for reuse  +
transitive dependency for SPARQLWrapper missing  +
make limit and batchSize available again for store  +
add append option to store API  +
addQueryDocumentation  +
add pewee adaption  +
Regression: storeToJsonFile and restoreFromJsonFile missing in JSONAble  +
add check_same_thread to be able to set it to False  +
add getTableDict convenience function  +
make Types JSONAble to allow to store type information along side json data files  +
strToDatetime fails on invalid datetime strings e.g. with year out of range  +
fix behavior for invalid json  +
migrate query manager from ptp here  +
isCached should be True even if count is less than 100  +
need to export pylatexenc dependency  +
Functionality to convert between LoD and CSV  +
integrate tabulate  +
add Lookup map option  +
add improved UML support from Proceedings Title Parser  +
offer execute wrapper directly via sqlDB  +
SQL handling of Lists  +
date type handling should be more robust - list handling should return a list of problems instead of failing  +
set None value for undefined LoD entries  +
add intersect methods  +
addWikiData Linker to QueryResultDocumentation and callback for further such handlers while at it  +
getLookup fails on duplicates  +
allow to only warn if samplerecordcount is higher than number of available records  +
sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: ... show debug info  +
Refactor JSON support from DgraphAndWeaviateTest  +
add plot option  +
regression return of lists needed for restoreFromJsonFile and restoreFromJsonStr for backward compatiblity  +
add fixNone option to SPARQL results (same functionality as in SQL)  +
use setAttr instead of assigning __dict__  +
Allow use of params in queries  +
add initSqlDB  +
getLookup fails if value is list  +
regression - getListOfDicts callback not handled as function  +
auto create generalization view ddl for tablelist  +
add SPARQL support  +
add limit for query.documentQueryResult  +
Limit stored attributes of JSONAble to attributes of the samples  +
queryDocumentation: Fix tryItMarkup if lang is not SPARQL and fix links with special chars  +
need to fix round-trip json behavior  +
Support conversion to rdf triples  +
add try it! button to Query documentation  +
support date values in format supplied e.g. by wikidata 2020-01-01T00:00:00Z  +
Make available via pypi  +
datetime handling sqlite error should lead to warning and not raise an exception  +
set sampleRecordCount to -1 / all as a default for fromCache handling  +
Avoid wikidata 403  +
closedAt and createdAt instead of closed_at and created_at  +
Autodetection of repo and owner  +
Get Tickets in Wiki notation from github API  +
gitlog2wiki bash replacement  +
OsProject, Ticket and commit as base entities  +
Extended rights for Sysop user  +
add command line "mwcluster" to start mediawiki cluster  +
support legacy require_once extension registration  +
allow to specify initial sysop user via api and command line  +
Option to Extract extension.json / extensionNameList contents from Special:Version  +
network mwNetwork is ambiguous (2 matches found on name)  +
Use python-on-whales and docker-compose  +
ssh-git automation fails on RSA key fingerprint  +
Support Mediawiki 1.36  +
Assumes the localhost name with PC name  +
get version information from Wikidata  +
add support for Mediawiki 1.37 and upgrade versions for 1.36, 1.35  +
Allow to specify a list of extensions and a json file for describing the extensions and the installation method  +
runjobs with crontab entry  +
Pull docker images for LTS Versions  +
add Semantic MediaWiki support  +
Preconfigure wiki with LocalSettings and mySQL dump  +
add defaults to help  +
workaround openresearch maintenance shutdown  +
add option to set logo  +
support composer based extensions  +
PageForms incompatibility  +
allow setting wikiuser with a list of wikiids  +
Add support for the short form of xsd values  +
Write a Proper SparQL parser using Antlr4  +
Completions for property paths with * get error response  +
Error message on "too short Prefix" is unclear and misleading  +
Update to latest version  +
WMF Grant and SPARQL Update  +
Change OrderBy asString() to match, JOIN etc  +
All changes needed for the Evaluation paper  +
Use a parallel taskloop for the CountPredicates operation  +
Implemented a ConstexprSmallString  +
Fix clang format error in QueryPlanner.cpp  +
Building with clang 8.0 fails  +
joka921/stxxl -> ad-freiburg/stxxl  +
Support COUNT() aggregation  +
removed -a key from dockerfile CMD and quickstart docs  +
Make QLever compile with clang++12  +
Aggregate query with only one ql:has-predicate triple fails  +
Enable aborting an Operation result, fix dead lock  +
Removed the MetaDataConverter, it is deprecated and not working anymore.  +
F.parallel stl sort  +
Invalid regex leads to unhandled exception  +
IndexBuilderMain: Segmentation fault  +
Crash with `DESC((COUNT(…`  +
POSTing a query  +
F.remove code duplications  +
F.temp optimizer and sort order merged (DONT MERGE, but Hannah may test it)  + encoded DO NOT MERGE  +
show correct datatypes when exporting a queryExecutionTree  +
Small change in the ConcurrentCache  +
Fixed a small bug in the Turtle Tokenizer's Whitespace parsing.  +
Implement VALUES syntax and operation  +
Improve Caching  +
Fixes #89. Changes filers to copy the _isOptional flag from their input.  +
The actual logic for expression evaluation.  +
Update some string utilities to use ICU  +
Suppress a warning from the Antlr4 submodule on clang12  +
Fix galloping join  +
Following Quickstart failes with docker build issue  +
Checking, whether this fixes the JULIA build problem.  +
Fix two missing includes which prevented Compilation on clang 11.  +
Filtering with < on floats is actually <=  +
Made an E2E test deterministic.  +
HashMap is untested, broken and used inconsistently  +
Always send a response from the server, especially also for "clearCache" commands without a query.  +
Typos in queries need much better feedback / error msgs  +
Faster Resizing of IdTables  +
Connection problem... during large query  +
Small changes  +
Added support for using the pattern trick without a subquery. Fixes #81.  +
Improved the check that determines if the pattern trick should be used.  +
Don't force "en_US.utf8" locale  +
Return mention of entity in the returned text  +
First compress the vocabulary, then build the permutations  +
Allow TurtleParser output into file  +
Add a Google + left aligned pointer .clang-format  +
Implemented several more changes requested during the pull request review  +
Assertion failure in dense sparsehash/densehashtable.h when building OSP permutation  +
Out-of-Vocab for VALUES is not an error  +
Sparql Expressions, a cleaned up version with less commits.  +
F.patch kalmbach for buerklinDoNotMerge  +
ql:has-predicate yields incorrect results in conjunction with ps: predicate  +
Property path and language FILTER broken  +
Integrated the SparqlExpressions into QLever.  +
Fast case insensitive sort order and regex  +
Radix sort  +
SparqlExpressions! And a properParser! (both at least partially, but with a general, extendable framework)  +
Some isolated files from the Expression PR for easier review  +
Also handle MIN and MAX aggregates correctly for values from the knowledge base.  +
Travis: Install and use GCC 5  +
Binary vocabulary serialization  +
Added getopt based cmd line parsing to the script.  +
Don't crash on empty index. Fixes #262  +
Fix use of ResultTable::isFinished() fixes build  +
Added splitting at multiple whitespace characters  +
Integrated a type trait to figure out, if a Type is an instantiation of a specified template  +
Update nlohmann/json to 3.6.1 and improve JSON encoding of RuntimeInformation  +
Add time and potentially memory constraints to queries  +
qlever -wi fails  +
Query failure - may be GROUP_CONCAT not supported?  +
Update to current STXXL version  +
Grouping by a COUNT() not supported  +
Refactored some shared_ptrs to unique_ptrs in the IndexBuilder  +
Order by aggregate  +
Support strends in filters  +
Correctly handle Escapes in the Turtle input.  +
Enable End-to-End test during docker build  +
Make Clang13 + Libstdc++ work by hacking the coroutines.  +
Add Github Action for Docker and remove Travis.  +
Removed use of the deprecated icu macro TRUE  +
TSV export problem for xml data  +
New Simple8bCode  +
Confusing argument names dynRes and inputDyn  +
Fix broken TSV export  +
The following subquery segfaults the WikidataFull instance consistently  +
The prefix filter is being used for case insensitive queries  +
Fix error message  +
F.efficient language filter  +
Refactoring the `ParsedQuery` class  +
Type-Erased "user data" in GroupBy class violates RAII  +
First version of a Turtle Parser (cleaned)  +
qlever bash script  +
F.simple hashmap type  +
A Pimpl wrapper class for the template-heavy SparqlExpression module.  +
Remove all temporary files that are created by the IndexBuilder  +
Add libicu-dev to package requirements in  +
Faster Turtle Parsing using Compile Time Regexes  +
docs, ctest break, server, e2e, format-check  +
Added a FullRelationScan operation.  +
Various improvements to the Server.  +
Fixed a source of segmentation faults in the ProperyPathParser  +
Bugfix for CountAvailablePredicates that prevents out of range access of the input.  +
Quick fix for the second half of the assertion bug  +
F.compressed patterns  +
OPTIONAL and FILTER in a single query seem to create a conflict  +
Surprising std:bad_alloc when filtering on "^<" (non-fatal, but wrong empty result)  +
Moved the Vocabulary Implementation back into a CPP file.  +
QueryPlannerTest flakyness  +
Preallocated Space for STXXL does not suit small NOR big knowledge bases.  +
Original times in RuntimeInformation for cached queries  +
Two additional Bugfixes for the SparqlExpressionModule  +
Add list of selected variables to JSON output  +
Check code style during Travis CI build  +
Small fix for the QueryPlanner.cpp  +
Fixed bugs in the turtle parser wrt `base` declarations  +
Subquery leads to error  +
Several small (non-functional) improvements of the Server class.  +
Unify the Sort Keys of the OrderBy and the Sort Operation  +
Only the small externalization HACKS for uniprot  +
Dense Meta Data using MMap-Based arrays  +
Fix the Size/Cost Estimate For Transitive Paths with a fixed value.  +
Query with one ql:has-predicate triple is slow if COUNT is in ORDER BY clause  +
Fixes to getLower/UppercaseUtf8()  +
Small improvements of the SparqlLexer classes' interface  +
Improve Caching  +
BIND for Constants and variable renaming.  +
Various bugfixes. Ensured node ids in the triple graph use 64 bits.  +
Automatically clear the cache, when some allocation fails.  +
Proper Unicode Handling for QLever  +
Improve log  +
Duplicate results for predicate queries  +
What does "Performing unique to ensure RDF semantics..." mean? (IndexBuilderMain log)  +
Fix #25  +
FILTER regex prefix filter should ignore "  +
Building index on wikidata.truthy.12Nov17 could not parse URI  +
ORDER BY changes result size when combined with DISTINCT  +
Run unit tests during docker build  +
Error messages in the UI get displayed incorrectly  +
ParseException, cause: Invalid character e in property path ?relation  +
Blank nodes in results should be shown as 'unknown value' in the UI  +
Server based on beast.  +
Segfault caused by typo in query:  +
Support triples with ?same <pred> ?same  +
Add ENV to avoid problems with tzdata  +
Improve ad_utility::.strip() and ad_utility::splitAny()  +
docs, ctest break, serverMain, e2e, clang version format-check update  +
Results as csv or tsv have no content, only separators  +
Filters on text columns lead to a crash  +
Use CALL_FIXED_SIZE_1 for up to 10 columns.  +
Crash with simple ?rel query  +
Better lexer, better parser, better tests and VALUES  +
Support the Turtle format as used by Wikidata  +
Implement tests for construct query parsing  +
Implement support for JSON, CSV and TSV when using CONSTRUCT queries  +
Fix Travis caching issue  +
Patterns exclude lang predicates  +
Less RAM usage during Compilation of CTRE tests  +
TextOperationWithFilter unexpectedly empty  +
Feat union  +
End-to-End Tests  +
FILTER ignored in query with ql:has-predicate  +
Clueweb+Freebase is unavailable  +
GROUP BY at the end very slow for some queries  +
Fixed a bug making CountAvailablePredicates not work for _varSizedData.  +
Perform unescaping of literals in the Sparql parser again,  +
Both QueryExecutionTree and Operations have diverging variable/column mappings  +
select *  +
TextOperationWithFilter with width > 1 is untested in End-to-End Tests  +
Fixed a Bug that caused externalized entities to have multiple Ids.  +
Make very small indexes work.  +
ql:has-relation segfaults with COUNT  +
StringUtils.h cleanup  +
Should "sort" and "indexScan" be implemented in the appropriate Operations?  +
Bad JOIN ORDER when joining English Wikipedia names to entities (42 vs. 2 seconds)  +
Use window.location.path as prefix for URLs  +
named graphs  +
Build fixes for clang 8.0 and GCC 9.1  +
Query Optimization is slow, possibly due to cache awareness  +
Flaky assertion failure on empty PSO scan  +
Fix Travis overriding the gcc-5 directive  +
Caching Improvements (Old version with memory size limit, discard)  +
Assertion failure when building index on freebase-rdf-latest.nt  +
Fix missing assignment/uninitialized value  +
Reduce the usage of Macros in the logging and json module.  +
Try boost 1.76  +
Filter on empty ResultTable seems to break in some situations  +
HAVING and ORDER BY broken on COUNT() columns  +
Sorting by entity id does not work as expected  +
Add missing file type flag  +
The e2e script's output is mangled  +
Better result tables  +
Integrate the clang-format check into a separate github action.  +
Provide KB Index version or date  +
Integers have no schema information and are returned (and shown) as floats  +
Update Dockerfile (deprecated MAINTAINER, problematic default CMD)  +
Move the LocaleManager class to the util folder  +
Small fixes for the already existing sparqlExpressions Implementation.  +
Better handling of several special cases for TransitivePaths.  +
Consider switching away from Travis CI  +
Fix empty Mantissa converting error  +
Remove variable/column map redundancy (WIP)  +
JOIN with one very small input table takes surprisingly long  +
Improve SPARQL parser by using proper token lexing  +
Switched all printing to stderr to printing to stdout. Fixes #283.  +
Separate prefix file, fixing #141  +
Size and Cost estimates for regex filters are completely broken.  +
Subqueries can lead to filters not being applied  +
Fixed the column order of the `MulticolumnJoin`  +
Allowed blank nodes in nt file parsing  +
Added a script to quickly validate a join result using sqlite3  +
Fix filter >= printing as <=  +
Group by variables now copy their correct data types.  +
Fix block boundary bug introduced by Unicode refactoring  +
Fix for restoring the runtime information tree.  +
'Your query was' query does not match actual query in case of error  +
Implementation of a More Flexible Cache  +
Fix ORDER BY and FILTER on COUNT() columns #247  +
Filter doesn't really filter  +
Update the CTRE library  +
bugfix in the Multiplicity computation of OptionalJoin  +
Integrated Libzstd (compression library) and a simple wrapper for it.  +
Parallel parsing of clean turtle Files.  +
Refactored the IdTable class to make interfaces simpler + more correct  +
Minus  +
Added an action for exporting sparql result json.  +
Added a concurrent task queue  +
Fixed a small error in the initialization of the FastRandomIntGenerator.  +
Freebase Mappings  +
Tests are inadequate when it comes to standard functionality  +
Remove unused functions from the Vocabulary class  +
Not groupable error on query that works on BlazeGraph  +
Explicitly set LOGLEVEL to DEBUG in Dockerfile  +
Added support for HAVING. Fixes #104.  +
Fix FILTER with numeric constants  +
Fix assertion failure in getFollowBlockForLhs() (#206)  +
Very slow GROUP BY query, which could be much faster with better query plan  +
Pattern Trick for Objects  +
F.memory limited cache  +
Faster parallel Vocabulary Reading  +
Simplify .travis.yml, allow container env (no sudo)  +
Use ninja instead of make inside the Dockerfile  +
Actually use Operation::knownEmptyResult fixes #42  +
Assert failed  +
Faster Index Building using a single-pass approach.  +
Correct some uses of wrong variable types preventing QLever from running on ARM  +
Code style inconsistencies  +
Some new type traits that will be used for expressions.  +
Bugfixes  +
Filter fix  +
Faster Index Building.  +
Add missing 'u8' prefixes to some UTF-8 constants  +
JSON output for OPTIONAL is ambiguous  +
Add a new loglevel called "Timing"  +
Add CORS header  +
Implemented Several internal relations needed for QLeverUI autocomplete  +
Add missing runtime information for Joins with full index.  +
Integrated the ANTLR4 Parser generator,  +
Resolve -pthread error that pops up in some (most?) environments  +
Segfault  +
Fix code style  +
E2E: Add order_numeric, and order_string checks  +
Make test is a separate line in the Dockerfile.  +
Implemented the missing support for counting the predicates of a sing…  +
OPTIONAL leads to no results  +
Only load PSO and POS permutations and NO patterns  +
In a regex Filter, prefixes are no longer expanded.  +
Add explicit continue instead of falling through  +
Compile QLever with C++20  +
Improved ql:has-relation versatility.  +
Improve the interface of `SortKey`  +
Query without 'PREFIX' is endlessly waiting for a response  +
Cleanup ScanMethod pointer, reformat, fix debug  +
Starting 'Select *' implementation  +
Fixed the compilation bug in the current master.  +
Improve the Readme  +
Quickstart README with example data and config  +
Fix urlPrefix, don't include "file" part  +
Unbound variable in SELECT clause should give empty column  +
No `-t` flag, MAINTAINER in Dockerfile fixes #264  +
Latest nlohmann/json no submodule fixes #121  +
Fix cost estimate for transitive path  +
IndexBuilderMain dumps core on empty stream input without good error message  +
New badges  +
Can't use read-only index mount with latest version  +
Small docs improvements  +
Don't crash on non groupable var in GROUP BY  +
SetsOfIntervals as a base for efficient SparqlExpressions.  +
Simpler float index conv., xsd:double fix #196  +
Faster Index Build- Phase 1  +
More generic Cache key for Group by  +
Switched to using the uWebSockets library for http.  +
Correct Request Timing for the Server  +
Better pattern trick detection  +
Make the optimizer (more) correct  +
Make the initialization of the FastRandomIntGenerator more idiomatic  +
Disable TwoColumnJoin  +
[Feature] Output statistics on Pattern Trick  +
Implemented disjunction (or) via '  +
Parse Accept Headers Using Antlr.  +
Use CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT instead of -pthread  +
First version of a Turtle Parser  +
Multiple OPTIONALs mishandled  +
Queries with FILTER depend on whether there is a . before  +
ql:has-pattern should be used automatically if possible  +
Fix getVariableColumns() for TwoColumnJoin fixes #256  +
Created a separate struct called SelectClause in the ParsedQuery.cpp  +
Fix TEXT(?t) broken by sentinel removal (#238)  +
Treat GraphPatterns in Query Bodies more correctly.  +
Add missed fixes #197  +
Fix #56: `pread()` has a smaller size limit than `read()` on Linux  +
Fix the Unicode collation for almost equal literals and the external vocabulary  +
Freebase example query yields noncredible result  +
Added the basics for detailed query processing time tracking.  +
Fix debug message printing request headers  +
third_party/json and docker context size  +
Additional README with example for context->sentences and entire document retrieval  +
Improved the `BatchedPipeline`  +
Added optimized handling of range filters on sorted data.  +
Updated Clang-Format to version 8 which has better support for C++17 …  +
Set SO_KEEPALIVE on client sockets  +