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No fear of Meta

When you start talking "Meta" you might end up very lonely. Meta denotes an abstraction level that seems to be so far away from reality that quite a few people simply do not bother. Basically there are three abstraction levels on which you can deal with things:

  1. The thing level
  2. The concept level
  3. The meta level

Why you should not fear Meta

I think you should not fear to go all the way up to the meta level when trying to understand the world around you. If you have any fear overcoming it is most useful to have no fear of "Meta" when you work with computers, software and data to solve your daily problems.

How to describe Meta in plain english language

This article tries to use plain english language. To still give you the opportunity to find out about the more mathematical/scientific/academic approaches to the "Meta" thing I have made links available right in the text and a list of references at the end. Eventually I intend to "disambiguate" some of the links when there are multiple truths out there.

The Meta Disambiguation page on Wikipedia is an interesting starting point although it doesn't even point to a "Meta" thing/concept as described here.

The thing level

A thing (also called object, entity, instance, item, element) is something, anything. If you can point at it or talk about it or call it "it" then it is probably a thing.

There is a thing called "concept" and that makes Meta interesting. Talking about a thing needs to clarify Whatchamacallit?

Example for a thing

Auriga Leader.jpg

What is it it?

The picture shows the Auriga Leader. A wikipedia article has some statements about this thing. Auriga Leader WikiData Item Q2871898 makes some of the statements available in computer readable form.


How to describe it

These descriptive statements all have a three part structure:

  1. 9402718
  2. is the IMO ship number
  3. of it

We could also say:

  1. Auriga Leader
  2. has IMO ship number
  3. 9402718

This three part structure is going to get interesting later.

The concept level

The concept level tries to give similar things a name to group these things. A concept might also be called a group, category, class,classification, type or kind.

So any of the names I gave this Auriga Leader is a potential concept.

The following sentences would all be valid / true:

  • Auriga Leader is a ship
  • Auriga Leader is a roro-ship
  • Auriga Leader is a vehicle carrier
  • Auriga Leader is a thing
  • Auriga Leader is a vessel

So the statement "is a" about a thing links it to some concept that has a name. Later we will see that the three parts of an "is a" sentence

  1. Auriga Leader
  2. is a
  3. vehicle carrier

are just a good example for the three-part structure of statements about things and concepts that are easily understandable by humans and computers.

The most precise way to clearly define a concept is to list all things that can be truely given the name of the concept. For example the concept Continent is the name for the things: Africa,Asia,Europe,North America,South America,Antarctica,Australia/Oceania. For quite a few concepts this complete listing is possible even if the list is very long. And given todays world wide access to internet-information it gets even more feasible. The issue with this approach is just that different people have different notions about what the truth is - if you read the Wikipedia Continent article you can see that even the concept Continent might lead to different lists of things that are Continents depending of which definit of "land mass" you follow. So saying "is a" is not quite precise - it would be more polite to say "I believe this is a" or "I would classify this as a". For example instead of saying "Afro-Eurasia is a continent" you'd say "I would classify Afro-Euroasia as a continent".

Another example would be the statement "Auriga Leader is a solar powered ship". Given that only 0.05% of the ship's propulsion power and 1% of it's electrical usage was powered by solare energy I personally would not subscribe to this point of view. I'd personally probably say something like "Auriga Leader is a commercial solar power experimental vehicle carrier".

Concepts are like bags or drawers in which you put things. Mostly it is already helpful to name a few things that you can put in the bag or drawer. These Example Things are very helpful for the further clarification of the concept.

Example for a concept

"Vehicle carrier" is a concept.

In the english Wikipedia the "Vehicle carrier" concept is called "Car carrier" and explained in the same article that explains "Roll-on/roll-off ro-ro ships". Wikipedia articles of other countries have separated articles:

  1. German: Autotransporter-Schiffstyp
  2. French:Transporteur de véhicules
  3. Dutch: Autoschip

According to International Shipping News there are 795 Vehicle carriers in operation world wide as of 2017.

The meta level

At the meta level we consider things that are concepts. So it is no wonder that Meta is a thing and a concept. On the meta level we switch the view. Concepts describe things. On the meta level we have meta-concepts that describe concepts. We don't even really have to do this switch of view and introduce the meta-level in the first place - bringing structure and system into the description of things and concepts is actually all we need to have a meta-level. So being on the meta-level is merely being on some kind of abstract discussion level about things and concepts. The bad new is - that discussion level is usually very abstract and not easily accessible to "the rest of us".

Instead of spending a lot of timing with fearing that discussion level we'll simply continue with some example Concepts that might fit the meta level.

  1. Thing is a Concept (on the meta-level)
  2. Concept is a Concept (on the meta-level)
  3. Link is a Concept (on the meta-level)

Example of a Meta concept

"Link" is one of the most important concepts in the world to be worthwhile to be discussed on the meta-level. The concept "Link" is also called relation, connection or association.

Let's go thru the three levels from Thing to Meta:

Thing Level

In 2017 the vehicle carrier Auriga Leader has connected Ports in Japan with Ports in the United States. These Links can be described with three elements

  1. a starting port e.g. Port of Nagoya / JP NGO
  2. details about the link e.g. the name "shipping route" and e.g. times JPNGO at 2016-12-15 18:00, US BAL 2017-05-30 23:00
  3. a destination port e.g. Port of Baltimore US BAL

The Auriga Leader has followed shipping routes which are Links.

Concept Level

Each Link-Thing connects two things. The Link-Concept describes the Thing-Thing Connections.

Meta Level

When describing Links on the meta level it is important to understand that a link connects to things.

On the meta-level we'd rather like to think of a link-concept as connecting two concepts (a special case being that the concepts are the same concept).

See also

Example Things

Since quite a few people do not like abstract talk about things it is very helpful to bridge the gap between concrete things and the abstraction as a concept by using well chosen examples (in latin that is called the Pars pro toto approach).

There are three different cases for example things:

  1. typical case
  2. special cases
  3. exotic/pathological case

The Auriga Leader is an exotic case of a Vehicle Carrier. There is only one such solar power experimental vehicle carrier.
