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SimpleGraph Installation



  1. Eclipse (Oxygen recommended)
  2. Java 8
  3. Maven (e.g. m2eclipse)

Installation Steps

Select the File|Import/Git/Projects from Git Import Wizard from the Eclipse Main Menu
click "Next >"
Select "Clone URI"
click "Next >"
enter the URL
click "Next >"
keep the selected Branch "master"
click "Next >"
select the target direcctory where you'd like to keep the project locally
click "Next >"
keep the wizard "Import existing Eclipse projects"
click "Next >"
keep all imported projects
click "Finish >"
There will be initial build errors since this is maven multi-module project and their are some interdependencies between the modules. Do a right-click "Run As/Maven install" on the main project com.bitplan.simplegraph to fix this

Importing new modules

If you installed the project to eclipse a while ago and new modules have been added to the github repository you might want to import these.

  1. do a team/pull
  2. optionally check with right click show in / system explorer to see the new subdirectories
  3. right click import/Project from git
  4. choose Existing local repository
  5. select com.bitplan.simplegraph
  6. then select the module you would like to add

Maven command line

git clone
cd com.bitplan.simplegraph/
mvn install -D skipTests -D gpg.skip

expected result

[INFO] SimpleGraph ........................................ SUCCESS [  1.477 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Core ................................... SUCCESS [  8.595 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph CalDAV ................................. SUCCESS [  2.324 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph CardDAV ................................ SUCCESS [  3.022 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph FileSystem ............................. SUCCESS [  3.282 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph GeoJson ................................ SUCCESS [  1.369 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph JSON ................................... SUCCESS [  2.509 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph GitHub ................................. SUCCESS [  6.505 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph HTML ................................... SUCCESS [  5.807 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Java ................................... SUCCESS [  2.540 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Mail ................................... SUCCESS [  1.370 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Map .................................... SUCCESS [  3.470 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph MediaWiki .............................. SUCCESS [  5.330 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Semantic MediaWiki ..................... SUCCESS [ 13.929 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph PDF .................................... SUCCESS [  3.592 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph SNMP ................................... SUCCESS [  1.656 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph SQL .................................... SUCCESS [  2.262 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph TripleStore ............................ SUCCESS [  3.726 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Excel .................................. SUCCESS [ 18.013 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph WikiData ............................... SUCCESS [ 10.562 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Word ................................... SUCCESS [  4.170 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph XML .................................... SUCCESS [  1.852 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Powerpoint ............................. SUCCESS [ 30.485 s]
[INFO] SimpleGraph Bundle ................................. SUCCESS [  6.004 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:24 min

Fat Jar

To include simplegraph as a single jar dependency for your project you might want to run:

cd com.bitplan.simplegraph/simplegraph-bundle
mvn install -D skipTests -D gpg.skip -P createAssembly

which will create a jar-with-dependencies.jar