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Modified files for



namespace SMW;

use SMW\Utils\TemplateEngine;
use SMW\Utils\Logo;
use SMW\Localizer\LocalMessageProvider;
use SMW\Exception\FileNotReadableException;
use SMW\Exception\JSONFileParseException;
use RuntimeException;

 * @private
 * @license GNU GPL v2+
 * @since 3.1
 * @author mwjames
class SetupCheck {

	 * Semantic MediaWiki was loaded or accessed but not correctly enabled.

	 * Semantic MediaWiki was loaded or accessed but not correctly enabled.

	 * A user tried to use `wfLoadExtension( 'SemanticMediaWiki' )` and
	 * `enableSemantics` at the same causing the ExtensionRegistry to throw an
	 * "Uncaught Exception: It was attempted to load SemanticMediaWiki twice ..."

	 * A dependency (extension, MediaWiki) causes an error

	 * Multiple dependencies (extension, MediaWiki) caused an error

	 * Extension doesn't match MediaWiki or the PHP requirement.

	 * Extension doesn't match the DB requirement for Semantic MediaWiki.

	 * The upgrade key has change causing the schema to be invalid

	 * A selected default profile could not be loaded or is unknown.

	 * The system is currently in a maintenance window

	 * @var []
	private $options = [];

	 * @var SetupFile
	private $setupFile;

	 * @var TemplateEngine
	private $templateEngine;

	 * @var LocalMessageProvider
	private $localMessageProvider;

	 * @var []
	private $definitions = [];

	 * @var string
	private $languageCode = 'en';

	 * @var string
	private $fallbackLanguageCode = 'en';

	 * @var boolean
	private $sentHeader = true;

	 * @var string
	private $errorType = '';

	 * @var string
	private $errorMessage = '';

	 * @var string
	private $traceString = '';

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @param SetupFile|null $setupFile
	public function __construct( array $options, SetupFile $setupFile = null ) {
		$this->options = $options;
		$this->setupFile = $setupFile;
		$this->templateEngine = new TemplateEngine();
		$this->localMessageProvider = new LocalMessageProvider( '/local/setupcheck.i18n.json' );

		if ( $this->setupFile === null ) {
			$this->setupFile = new SetupFile();

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param string $file
	 * @return array
	 * @throws RuntimeException
	public static function readFromFile( string $file ) : array {

		if ( !is_readable( $file ) ) {
			throw new FileNotReadableException( $file );

		$contents = json_decode(
			file_get_contents( $file ),

		if ( json_last_error() === JSON_ERROR_NONE ) {
			return $contents;

		throw new JSONFileParseException( $file );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param SetupFile|null $setupFile
	 * @return SetupCheck
	public static function newFromDefaults( SetupFile $setupFile = null ) {

		if ( !defined( 'SMW_VERSION' ) ) {
			$version = self::readFromFile( $GLOBALS['smwgIP'] . 'extension.json' )['version'];
		} else {
			$version = SMW_VERSION;

		$setupCheck = new SetupCheck(
				'SMW_VERSION'    => $version,
				'MW_VERSION'     => $GLOBALS['wgVersion'], // MW_VERSION may not yet be defined!!
				'wgLanguageCode' => $GLOBALS['wgLanguageCode'],
				'smwgUpgradeKey' => $GLOBALS['smwgUpgradeKey']

		return $setupCheck;

	 * @since 3.2
	public function disableHeader() {
		$this->sentHeader = false;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @return boolean
	public function isCli() {
		return PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg';

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param string $traceString
	public function setTraceString( $traceString ) {
		$this->traceString = $traceString;

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param string $errorMessage
	public function setErrorMessage( string $errorMessage ) {
		$this->errorMessage = $errorMessage;

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param string $errorType
	public function setErrorType( string $errorType ) {
		$this->errorType = $errorType;

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @return boolean
	public function isError( string $error ) : bool {
		return $this->errorType === $error;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasError() {

		$this->errorType = '';

		// When it is not a test run or run from the command line we expect that
		// the extension is registered using `enableSemantics`
		if ( !defined( 'SMW_EXTENSION_LOADED' ) && !$this->isCli() ) {
			$this->errorType = self::ERROR_EXTENSION_LOAD;
		} elseif ( $this->setupFile->inMaintenanceMode() ) {
			$this->errorType = self::MAINTENANCE_MODE;
		} elseif ( !$this->isCli() && !$this->setupFile->hasDatabaseMinRequirement() ) {
			$this->errorType = self::ERROR_DB_REQUIREMENT_INCOMPATIBLE;
		} elseif ( $this->setupFile->isGoodSchema() === false ) {
			$this->errorType = self::ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID_KEY;

		return $this->errorType !== '';

	 * @note Adding a new error type requires to:
	 * - Define a constant to clearly identify the type of error
	 * - Extend the `setupcheck.json` to add a definition for the new type and
	 *   specify which information should be displayed
	 * - In case the existing HTML elements aren't sufficient, create a new
	 * file and define the HTML code
	 * The `TemplateEngine` will replace arguments defined in the HTML hereby
	 * absolving this class from any direct HTML manipulation.
	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param boolean $isCli
	 * @return string
	public function getError( $isCli = false ) {

		$error = [
			'title' => '',
			'content' => ''

		$this->languageCode = $_GET['uselang'] ?? $this->options['wgLanguageCode'] ?? 'en';

		// Output forms for different error types are registered with a JSON file.
		$this->definitions = $this->readFromFile(
			$GLOBALS['smwgDir'] . '/data/template/setupcheck/setupcheck.json'

		// Error messages are specified in a special i18n JSON file to avoid relying
		// on the MW message system especially when SMW isn't fully registered
		// and we are unable to access any `smw-...` message keys from the standard
		// i18n files.


		// HTML specific formatting is contained in the following files where
		// a defined group of targets correspond to types used in the JSON
				'/setupcheck/' => 'setupcheck-html',
				'/setupcheck/' => 'setupcheck-progress',

				// Target specific elements
				'/setupcheck/'   => 'section',
				'/setupcheck/'   => 'version',
				'/setupcheck/' => 'paragraph',
				'/setupcheck/'  => 'errorbox',
				'/setupcheck/' => 'db-requirement',

		if ( !isset( $this->definitions['error_types'][$this->errorType] ) ) {
			throw new RuntimeException( "The `{$this->errorType}` type is not defined in the `setupcheck.json`!" );

		$error = $this->createErrorContent( $this->errorType );

		if ( $isCli === false ) {
			$content = $this->buildHTML( $error );
			$this->header( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' );
			$this->header( 'Content-Length: ' . strlen( $content ) );
			$this->header( 'Cache-control: none' );
			$this->header( 'Pragma: no-cache' );
		} else {
			$content = $error['title'] . "\n\n" . $error['content'];
			$content = str_replace(
				[ '<!-- ROW -->', '</h3>', '</h4>', '</p>', '&nbsp;' ],
				[ "\n", "\n\n", "\n\n", "\n\n", ' ' ],
			$content = "\n" . wordwrap( strip_tags( trim( $content ) ), 73 );

		return $content;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param boolean $isCli
	public function showErrorAndAbort( $isCli = false ) {

		echo $this->getError( $isCli );

		if ( ob_get_level() ) {


	private function header( $text ) {
		if ( $this->sentHeader ) {
			header( $text );

  private function schemaError() {
 	  // get trace
		$e = new \Exception;
		$content ='<pre>'.$e->getTraceAsString().'</pre>';
		$content .='PHP_SAPI: '.PHP_SAPI."<br>";
		$content.='Schema state: '.$schemaState."<br>";
    $content.='upgrade key base: '.$upgradeKeyBase;
    return $content;

	private function createErrorContent( $type ) {

		$indicator_title = 'Error';
		$template = $this->definitions['error_types'][$type];
    $content = '';

    if ($type==self::ERROR_SCHEMA_INVALID_KEY) {

		 * Actual output form
		foreach ( $template['output_form'] as $value ) {
			$content .= $this->createContent( $value, $type );

		 * Special handling for the progress output
		if ( isset( $template['progress'] ) ) {
			foreach ( $template['progress'] as $value ) {
				$text = $this->createCopy( $value['text'] );

				if ( isset( $value['progress_keys'] ) ) {
					$content .= $this->createProgressIndicator( $value );

				$args = [
					'text' => $text,
					'template' => $value['type']


				$content .= $this->templateEngine->publish( $value['type'] );

		 * Special handling for the stack trace output
		if ( isset( $template['stack_trace'] ) && $this->traceString !== '' ) {
			foreach ( $template['stack_trace'] as $value ) {
				$content .= $this->createContent( $value, $type );

		if ( isset( $template['indicator_title'] ) ) {
			$indicator_title = $this->createCopy( $template['indicator_title'] );

		$error = [
			'title' => 'Semantic MediaWiki',
			'indicator_title' => $indicator_title,
			'content' => $content,
			'borderColor' => $template['indicator_color']

		return $error;

	private function createContent( $value, $type ) {

		if ( $value['text'] === 'ERROR_TEXT' ) {
			$text = str_replace( "\n", '<br>', $this->errorMessage );
		} elseif ( $value['text'] === 'ERROR_TEXT_MULTIPLE' ) {
			$errors = explode( "\n", $this->errorMessage );
			$text = '<ul><li>' . implode( '</li><li>', array_filter( $errors ) ) . '</li></ul>';
		} elseif ( $value['text'] === 'TRACE_STRING' ) {
			$text = $this->traceString;
		} else {
			$text = $this->createCopy( $value['text'] );

		$args = [
			'text' => $text,
			'template' => $value['type']

		if ( $value['type'] === 'version' ) {
			$args['version-title'] = $text;
			$args['smw-title'] = 'Semantic MediaWiki';
			$args['smw-version'] = $this->options['SMW_VERSION'] ?? 'n/a';
			$args['smw-upgradekey'] = $this->options['smwgUpgradeKey'] ?? 'n/a';
			$args['mw-title'] = 'MediaWiki';
			$args['mw-version'] = $this->options['MW_VERSION'] ?? 'n/a';
			$args['code-title'] = $this->createCopy( 'smw-setupcheck-code' );
			$args['code-type'] = $type;

		if ( $value['type'] === 'db-requirement' ) {
			$requirements = $this->setupFile->get( SetupFile::DB_REQUIREMENTS );
			$args['version-title'] = $text;
			$args['db-title'] = $this->createCopy( 'smw-setupcheck-db-title' );
			$args['db-type'] = $requirements['type'] ?? 'N/A';
			$args['db-current-title'] = $this->createCopy( 'smw-setupcheck-db-current-title' );
			$args['db-minimum-title'] = $this->createCopy( 'smw-setupcheck-db-minimum-title' );
			$args['db-current-version'] = $requirements['latest_version'] ?? 'N/A';
			$args['db-minimum-version'] = $requirements['minimum_version'] ?? 'N/A';

		// The type is expected to match a defined target and in an event
		// that those don't match an exception will be raised.

		return $this->templateEngine->publish( $value['type'] );

	private function createProgressIndicator( $value ) {

		$maintenanceMode = (array)$this->setupFile->getMaintenanceMode();
		$content = '';

		foreach ( $maintenanceMode as $key => $v ) {

			$args = [
				'label' => $key,
				'value' => $v

			if ( isset( $value['progress_keys'][$key] ) ) {
				$args['label'] = $this->createCopy( $value['progress_keys'][$key] );


			$content .= $this->templateEngine->publish( 'setupcheck-progress' );

		return $content;

	private function createCopy( $value, $default = 'n/a' ) {

		if ( is_string( $value ) && $this->localMessageProvider->has( $value ) ) {
			return $this->localMessageProvider->msg( $value );

		return $default;

	private function buildHTML( array $error ) {

		$args = [
			'logo' => Logo::get( 'small' ),
			'title' => $error['title'] ?? '',
			'indicator' => $error['indicator_title'] ?? '',
			'content' => $error['content'] ?? '',
			'borderColor' => $error['borderColor'] ?? '#fff',
			'refresh' => $error['refresh'] ?? '30',


		$html = $this->templateEngine->publish( 'setupcheck-html' );

		// Minify CSS rules, we keep them readable in the template to allow for
		// better adaption
		// @see
		$html = preg_replace_callback( "/<style\\b[^>]*>(.*?)<\\/style>/s", function( $matches ) {
				// Remove space after colons
				$style = str_replace( ': ', ':', $matches[0] );

				// Remove whitespace
				return str_replace( [ "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", '  ', '    ', '    '], '', $style );

		return $html;




namespace SMW;

use SMW\Exception\FileNotWritableException;
use SMW\Utils\File;
use SMW\SQLStore\Installer;

 * @private
 * @license GNU GPL v2+
 * @since 3.1
 * @author mwjames
class SetupFile {

	 * Describes the maintenance mode
	const MAINTENANCE_MODE = 'maintenance_mode';

	 * Describes the upgrade key
	const UPGRADE_KEY = 'upgrade_key';

	 * Describes the database requirements
	const DB_REQUIREMENTS = 'db_requirements';

	 * Describes the entity collection setting
	const ENTITY_COLLATION = 'entity_collation';

	 * Key that describes the date of the last table optimization run.
	const LAST_OPTIMIZATION_RUN = 'last_optimization_run';

	 * Describes the file name
	const FILE_NAME = '.smw.json';

	 * Describes incomplete tasks
	const INCOMPLETE_TASKS = 'incomplete_tasks';

	 * Versions
	const LATEST_VERSION = 'latest_version';
	const PREVIOUS_VERSION = 'previous_version';

	 * @var File
	private $file;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param File|null $file
	public function __construct( File $file = null ) {
		$this->file = $file;

		if ( $this->file === null ) {
			$this->file = new File();

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	public function loadSchema( &$vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		if ( isset( $vars['smw.json'] ) ) {

		// @see #3506
		$file = File::dir( $vars['smwgConfigFileDir'] . '/' . self::FILE_NAME );

		// Doesn't exist? The `Setup::init` will take care of it by trying to create
		// a new file and if it fails or unable to do so wail raise an exception
		// as we expect to have access to it.
		if ( is_readable( $file ) ) {
			$vars['smw.json'] = json_decode( file_get_contents( $file ), true );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param boolean $isCli
	 * @return boolean
	public static function isGoodSchema( $isCli = false ) {
		// get the schema State as a  human readable description
		// check that it starts with "ok:" and not "error:"
		return $result;

	 * @since 3.1.7
	 * see
	 * @param string $haystack
	 * @param string $needle
	 * return boolean
	public static function strStartsWith($haystack, $needle) {
           return (strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0);

	 * @since 3.1.7
	 * @param boolean $isCli
	 * @return string 
	public static function getSchemaState( $isCli = false ) {
		if ( $isCli && defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) ) {
			return "ok: CLI with PHP Unit Test active";

		if ( $isCli === false && ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg' ) ) {
			return "ok: isCli is true and PHP_SAPI cli/phpdbg=".PHP_SAPI;

		// #3563, Use the specific wiki-id as identifier for the instance in use
		$id = Site::id();

    if ( !isset( $GLOBALS['smw.json'][$id]['upgrade_key'] ) ) {
      global $smwgConfigFileDir;
			return "error: smw.json for ".$id." upgrade key missing - you might want to check \$smwgConfigFileDir:".$smwgConfigFileDir;

		$upgradeKey = self::makeUpgradeKey( $GLOBALS );
		$expected   =$GLOBALS['smw.json'][$id]['upgrade_key'];
		if ( $upgradeKey === $expected ) 
			$schemaState= "ok: found upgradeKey.".$upgradeKey;
			$schemaState= "error: expected upgradeKey ".$expected." for ".$id." but found ".$upgradeKey;

		if (
			isset( $GLOBALS['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE] ) &&
			$GLOBALS['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE] !== false ) {
			$schemaState= "error: upgradeKey ".$upgradeKey." is ok but maintainance is active";

		return $schemaState;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @return string
	public static function makeUpgradeKey( $vars ) {
		return sha1( self::makeKey( $vars ) );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @return boolean
	public function inMaintenanceMode( $vars = [] ) {

		if ( !defined( 'MW_PHPUNIT_TEST' ) && ( PHP_SAPI === 'cli' || PHP_SAPI === 'phpdbg' ) ) {
			return false;

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$id = Site::id();

		if ( !isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE] ) ) {
			return false;

		return $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE] !== false;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @return []
	public function getMaintenanceMode( $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$id = Site::id();

		if ( !isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE] ) ) {
			return [];

		return $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE];

	 * Tracking the latest and previous version, which allows us to decide whether
	 * current activties relate to an install (new) or upgrade.
	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param int $version
	public function setLatestVersion( $version ) {

		$latest = $this->get( SetupFile::LATEST_VERSION );
		$previous = $this->get( SetupFile::PREVIOUS_VERSION );

		if ( $latest === null && $previous === null ) {
					SetupFile::LATEST_VERSION => $version
		} elseif ( $latest !== $version ) {
					SetupFile::LATEST_VERSION => $version,
					SetupFile::PREVIOUS_VERSION => $latest

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param string $key
	 * @param array $args
	public function addIncompleteTask( string $key, array $args = [] ) {

		$incomplete_tasks = $this->get( self::INCOMPLETE_TASKS );

		if ( $incomplete_tasks === null ) {
			$incomplete_tasks = [];

		$incomplete_tasks[$key] = $args === [] ? true : $args;

		$this->set( [ self::INCOMPLETE_TASKS => $incomplete_tasks ] );

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param string $key
	public function removeIncompleteTask( string $key ) {

		$incomplete_tasks = $this->get( self::INCOMPLETE_TASKS );

		if ( $incomplete_tasks === null ) {
			$incomplete_tasks = [];

		unset( $incomplete_tasks[$key] );

		$this->set( [ self::INCOMPLETE_TASKS => $incomplete_tasks ] );

	 * @since 3.2
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @return boolean
	public function hasDatabaseMinRequirement( array $vars = [] ) : bool {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$id = Site::id();

		// No record means, no issues!
		if ( !isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::DB_REQUIREMENTS] ) ) {
			return true;

		$requirements = $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::DB_REQUIREMENTS];

		return version_compare( $requirements['latest_version'], $requirements['minimum_version'], 'ge' );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @return []
	public function findIncompleteTasks( $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$id = Site::id();
		$tasks = [];

		// Key field => [ value that constitutes the `INCOMPLETE` state, error msg ]
		$checks = [
			\SMW\SQLStore\Installer::POPULATE_HASH_FIELD_COMPLETE => [ false, 'smw-install-incomplete-populate-hash-field' ],
			\SMW\Elastic\ElasticStore::REBUILD_INDEX_RUN_COMPLETE => [ false, 'smw-install-incomplete-elasticstore-indexrebuild' ]

		foreach ( $checks as $key => $value ) {

			if ( !isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][$key] ) ) {

			if ( $vars['smw.json'][$id][$key] === $value[0] ) {
				$tasks[] = $value[1];

		if ( isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::INCOMPLETE_TASKS] ) ) {
			foreach ( $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::INCOMPLETE_TASKS] as $key => $args ) {
				if ( $args === true ) {
					$tasks[] = $key;
				} else {
					$tasks[] = [ $key, $args ];

		return $tasks;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param mixed $maintenanceMode
	public function setMaintenanceMode( $maintenanceMode, $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

				self::UPGRADE_KEY => self::makeUpgradeKey( $vars ),
				self::MAINTENANCE_MODE => $maintenanceMode

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	public function finalize( $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		// #3563, Use the specific wiki-id as identifier for the instance in use
		$key = self::makeUpgradeKey( $vars );
		$id = Site::id();

		if (
			isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::UPGRADE_KEY] ) &&
			$key === $vars['smw.json'][$id][self::UPGRADE_KEY] &&
			$vars['smw.json'][$id][self::MAINTENANCE_MODE] === false ) {
			return false;

				self::UPGRADE_KEY => $key,
				self::MAINTENANCE_MODE => false

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	public function reset( $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$id = Site::id();
		$args = [];

		if ( !isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id] ) ) {

		$vars['smw.json'][$id] = [];

		$this->write( [], $vars );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $args
	public function set( array $args, $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$this->write( $args, $vars );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $args
	public function get( $key, $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$id = Site::id();

		if ( isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][$key] ) ) {
			return $vars['smw.json'][$id][$key];

		return null;

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param string $key
	public function remove( $key, $vars = [] ) {

		if ( $vars === [] ) {
			$vars = $GLOBALS;

		$this->write( [ $key => null ], $vars );

	 * @since 3.1
	 * @param array $vars
	 * @param array $args
	public function write( array $args, array $vars ) {

		$configFile = File::dir( $vars['smwgConfigFileDir'] . '/' . self::FILE_NAME );
		$id = Site::id();

		if ( !isset( $vars['smw.json'] ) ) {
			$vars['smw.json'] = [];

		foreach ( $args as $key => $value ) {
			// NULL means that the key key is removed
			if ( $value === null ) {
				unset( $vars['smw.json'][$id][$key] );
			} else {
				$vars['smw.json'][$id][$key] = $value;

		// Log the base elements used for computing the key
		$vars['smw.json'][$id]['upgrade_key_base'] = self::makeKey(

		// Remove legacy
		if ( isset( $vars['smw.json']['upgradeKey'] ) ) {
			unset( $vars['smw.json']['upgradeKey'] );
		if ( isset( $vars['smw.json'][$id]['in.maintenance_mode'] ) ) {
			unset( $vars['smw.json'][$id]['in.maintenance_mode'] );

		try {
				json_encode( $vars['smw.json'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT )
		} catch( FileNotWritableException $e ) {
			// Users may not have `wgShowExceptionDetails` enabled and would
			// therefore not see the exception error message hence we fail hard
			// and die
				"\n\nERROR: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n" .
				"\n       The \"smwgConfigFileDir\" setting should point to a" .
				"\n       directory that is persistent and writable!\n"

	 * Listed keys will have a "global" impact of how data are stored, formatted,
	 * or represented in Semantic MediaWiki. In most cases it will require an action
	 * from an adminstrator when one of those keys are altered.
	public static function makeKey( $vars ) {

		// Only recognize those properties that require a fixed table
		$pageSpecialProperties = array_intersect(
			// Special properties enabled?

			// Any custom fixed properties require their own table?
			TypesRegistry::getFixedProperties( 'custom_fixed' )

		$pageSpecialProperties = array_unique( $pageSpecialProperties );

		// Sort to ensure the key contains the same order
		sort( $vars['smwgFixedProperties'] );
		sort( $pageSpecialProperties );

		// The following settings influence the "shape" of the tables required
		// therefore use the content to compute a key that reflects any
		// changes to them
		$components = [

		// Only add the key when it is different from the default setting
		if ( $vars['smwgEntityCollation'] !== 'identity' ) {
			$components += [ 'smwgEntityCollation' => $vars['smwgEntityCollation'] ];

		if ( $vars['smwgFieldTypeFeatures'] !== false ) {
			$components += [ 'smwgFieldTypeFeatures' => $vars['smwgFieldTypeFeatures'] ];

		// Recognize when the version requirements change and force
		// an update to be able to check the requirements
		$components += Setup::MINIMUM_DB_VERSION;

		return json_encode( $components );
