List of SimpleGraphModules

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File:SimpleGraphModule.pngSimpleGraphModuleSimpleGraphModuleSimpleGraphModulesA SimpleGraphModule is an Apache/TinkerPop API wrapper for a system


SimpleGraph-CalDAVCalDAVcaldavCaldavSystem library for parsing and building iCalendar data models Calendar data available via ical4j
SimpleGraph-CardDAVCardDAVcarddavCarddavSystem VCard data available
SimpleGraph-ExcelExcelexcelExcelSystem ExcelApache POI XSSF/HSSF Microsoft Excel workbooks accessible via the Apache POI API
SimpleGraph-FileSystemFileSystemfilesystemFileSystem your FileSystem accessible via the Java FileSystem API
SimpleGraph-GeoJSONGeoJSONgeojsonGeoJsonSystem support for Google gson library GeoJSON data available
SimpleGraph-githubGitHubgithubGitHubSystemhttps://github.comGitHub GraphQL Api v4 GitHub content accessible to Graph processing.
SimpleGraph-HTMLHTMLhtmlHtmlSystem Cleaner HTML files accessible via HTML Cleaner parser
SimpleGraph-JavaJavajavaJavaSystem (programming language)javaparser Java code parse results accessible to Graph processing.
SimpleGraph-JSONJSONjsonJsonSystem Object NotationJSON JSON parse results accessible to Graph processing.
SimpleGraph-MailMailmailMailSystem access for rfc822 and MIME formatted Mailbox files (e.g. Thunderbird) Mail data available via Apache Mime4J
SimpleGraph-MapSystemMapSystemmapMapSystem tablejava.api.Map a simple wrapper for a graph with nodes that have key/value pairs in form of HashMaps. We would not really need this since Apache Tinkerpop/Gremlin already supplies us with properties per node/vertex. Still this system is useful as a helper system and to illustrate the wrapping concepts and possibilities of SimpleGraph
SimpleGraph-MediaWikiMediaWikimediawikiMediaWikiSystem page MediaWikiMediaWiki API page3makes MediaWiki site content accessible to Graph processing. It exposes the MediaWiki API using the mediawiki-japi Library by BITPlan.
SimpleGraph-PDFPDFpdfPdfSystem Document FormatApache PDFBox Portable Document Format (PDF) files accessible via the Apache PDFBox® API
SimpleGraph-PowerPointPowerPointpowerpointPowerPointSystem PowerPointApache POI XSLF/HSLF Microsoft PowerPoint presentations accessible via the Apache POI API
SimpleGraph-SMWSMWsmwSmwSystem Wiki API Semantic MediaWiki accessible via the SMW API
SimpleGraph-SNMPSNMPsnmpSNMPSystem Network Management ProtocolSNMP4J Simple Network Monitoring Protocol SNMP Java API Simple Network Monitoring Protocol accessible via SNMP4J
SimpleGraph-SQLSQLsqlSQLSystem Database Connectivity (JDBC) API relational SQL databases accessible via the Java JDBC API.
SimpleGraph-TripleStoreTripleStoretriplestoreTripleStoreSystem BITPlan's SiDIF educational TripleStore accessible
SimpleGraph-WikiDataWikiDatawikidataWikiDataSystem Toolkit WikiData data available via the Wikidata-Toolki API
SimpleGraph-WordWordwordWordSystem POI XWPF/HWPF Microsoft Word Documents accessible via the Apache POI API
SimpleGraph-XMLXMLxmlXmlSystem XML dom parse results accessible to Graph processing.
