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properties of Seminar

Property:Seminar kind

|documentation=kind of 
for example CPSA-F, CPRE-FL, CPRE-AL RQ Management, UML-Tag, UML2
[[Has type::Page]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar lang

|documentation=The language of the seminar
[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar year

|documentation=year of the event
[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar month

|documentation=month of the event
[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar price

|documentation=The price of the seminar in EUR
[[Has type::Number]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar inHouse

|documentation=is this an in house event?
[[Has type::Boolean]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar exam_fee

|label=exam fee
|documentation=The exam fee of the seminar in EUR (may be undefined)
[[Has type::Number]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar from

|documentation=start date of course
[[Has type::Date]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar modeldayprice

|label=modelday price
|documentation=The cost for the modelday in EUR (if booked with this course)
[[Has type::Number]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar to

|documentation=end date of course
[[Has type::Date]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar title

[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar contact

|documentation=the contact person for the seminar as a CRM WikiSon
[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar customer

|documentation=the organization that ordered / organizes the event
[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar documentation

|documentation=the path to a directory in the BITPlan volume
[[Has type::Text]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar trainer

[[Has type::Page]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar city

[[Has type::Page]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}

Property:Seminar thema

[[Has type::Page]]
This is a Property with type {{#show: {{FULLPAGENAMEE}} | ?Property type#- }}
Showing below 0 pages.

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