
From BITPlan Wiki
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  1. Issue 563 - qlever -wi fails
  2. Issue 562 - qlever bash script
  3. Issue 561 - Support strends in filters
  4. Issue 560 - Remove unused functions from the Vocabulary class
  5. Issue 559 - Query failure - may be GROUP_CONCAT not supported?
  6. Issue 558 - Resolve -pthread error that pops up in some (most?) environments
  7. Issue 557 - Reduce own logic in StringUtils.h
  8. Issue 556 - Following Quickstart failes with docker build issue
  9. Issue 555 - Improve the interface of `SortKey`
  10. Issue 554 - Introduce CSV/TSV header row
  11. Issue 553 - StringUtils.h cleanup
  12. Issue 552 - Remove an unused and obsolete helper function from IndexMetaData.h
  13. Issue 551 - Remove unused non-compiling function
  14. Issue 550 - joka921/stxxl -> ad-freiburg/stxxl
  15. Issue 549 - Improve log
  16. Issue 548 - Disable several github workflows to save the environment.
  17. Issue 547 - Make Clang13 + Libstdc++ work by hacking the coroutines.
  18. Issue 546 - Starting 'Select *' implementation
  19. Issue 545 - Try boost 1.76
  20. Issue 544 - Binary vocabulary serialization
  21. Issue 543 - Integers have to be parsed AFTER boolean and decimal.
  22. Issue 542 - Add an option to only build PSO and POS.
  23. Issue 541 - First compress the vocabulary, then build the permutations
  24. Issue 540 - Implement tests for construct query parsing
  25. Issue 539 - F.run on ubuntu18.04
  26. Issue 538 - Update Antlr4 to the latest release.
  27. Issue 537 - Less incorrect UTF-Blocks in the text index.
  28. Issue 536 - Implement support for JSON, CSV and TSV when using CONSTRUCT queries
  29. Issue 535 - Add missing runtime information for Joins with full index.
  30. Issue 534 - Fix externalization bug in text index
  31. Issue 533 - Remove unused executables and the NTriples parser
  32. Issue 532 - Better command-line parsing using Boost Program Options
  33. Issue 531 - Use better macro for coroutine support
  34. Issue 530 - Add support for prefixes
  35. Issue 529 - Various improvements to the Server.
  36. Issue 528 - Implement CONSTRUCT query processing
  37. Issue 527 - Runtime Parameters which can be set via the HTTP api
  38. Issue 526 - Update minimal cmake version to 3.8
  39. Issue 525 - Checking, whether this fixes the JULIA build problem.
  40. Issue 524 - Consistent, cross-platform binary builds
  41. Issue 523 - error with unconstrained query
  42. Issue 522 - docs, ctest break, server, e2e, format-check
  43. Issue 521 - Parse Accept Headers Using Antlr.
  44. Issue 520 - docs, ctest break, serverMain, e2e, clang version format-check update
  45. Issue 519 - Add CORS header
  46. Issue 518 - Also handle MIN and MAX aggregates correctly for values from the knowledge base.
  47. Issue 517 - Group by variables now copy their correct data types.
  48. Issue 516 - Always send a response from the server, especially also for "clearCache" commands without a query.
  49. Issue 515 - Encapsulated "Pinned Sizes" and the Cache into a single class
  50. Issue 514 - Several small (non-functional) improvements of the Server class.
  51. Issue 513 - Implement co-routine based streams for beast-based HTTP server
  52. Issue 512 - Server based on beast.
  53. Issue 511 - Make very small indexes work.
  54. Issue 510 - Integrated the SparqlExpressions into QLever.
  55. Issue 509 - POSTing a query
  56. Issue 508 - Parsing of SparqlExpressions.
  57. Issue 507 - Two additional Bugfixes for the SparqlExpressionModule
  58. Issue 506 - Not groupable error on query that works on BlazeGraph
  59. Issue 505 - A Pimpl wrapper class for the template-heavy SparqlExpression module.
  60. Issue 504 - The SampleExpression class.
  61. Issue 503 - Small fixes for the already existing sparqlExpressions Implementation.
  62. Issue 502 - Fixed two unicode-related bugs in the text index.
  63. Issue 501 - Query with BIND fails with ParseException
  64. Issue 500 - Fixed the column order of the `MulticolumnJoin`
  65. Issue 499 - Rewrite SPARQL+Text documentation
  66. Issue 498 - Automatically clear the cache, when some allocation fails.
  67. Issue 497 - More efficient query planning and faster groupBy on Index Scans.
  68. Issue 496 - Allow compilation with clang 13 and Libcpp
  69. Issue 495 - JOIN with one very small input table takes surprisingly long
  70. Issue 494 - IndexBuilder: Only compress the Vocabulary.
  71. Issue 493 - named graphs
  72. Issue 492 - select *
  73. Issue 491 - Quickstart README with example data and config
  74. Issue 490 - Remove google::sparsehash
  75. Issue 489 - The actual logic for expression evaluation.
  76. Issue 488 - Made an E2E test deterministic.
  77. Issue 487 - Changes to SetOfIntervals for making them compile.
  78. Issue 486 - show correct datatypes when exporting a queryExecutionTree
  79. Issue 485 - Make the ResultTable movable, we will need this for the expression PR
  80. Issue 484 - bugfix in the Multiplicity computation of OptionalJoin
  81. Issue 483 - Small improvements of the SparqlLexer classes' interface
  82. Issue 482 - Using nameservice leads to 'BAD QUERY' for simple query
  83. Issue 481 - SetsOfIntervals as a base for efficient SparqlExpressions.
  84. Issue 480 - Some isolated files from the Expression PR for easier review
  85. Issue 479 - Added a template alias for a memory-limited HashSet
  86. Issue 478 - Update some string utilities to use ICU
  87. Issue 477 - Some new type traits that will be used for expressions.
  88. Issue 476 - Only load PSO and POS permutations and NO patterns
  89. Issue 475 - F.compressed serializer and hopefully faster merging.
  90. Issue 474 - Assert failed
  91. Issue 473 - Only the small externalization HACKS for uniprot
  92. Issue 472 - Two improvements for the IndexBuilding
  93. Issue 471 - Tried the statistics of actual and added triples
  94. Issue 470 - Fixed bugs in the turtle parser wrt `base` declarations
  95. Issue 469 - Fix a nondeterministic initialization Bug in the PropertyPathParser
  96. Issue 468 - Export index permutations in a deterministic way for comparison
  97. Issue 467 - Faster Index Building.
  98. Issue 466 - Parallel parsing of clean turtle Files.
  99. Issue 465 - Small improvements to several interfaces.
  100. Issue 464 - Removed the MetaDataConverter, it is deprecated and not working anymore.
  101. Issue 463 - Integrated Libzstd (compression library) and a simple wrapper for it.
  102. Issue 462 - Fixed a Bug that caused externalized entities to have multiple Ids.
  103. Issue 461 - Added a concurrent task queue
  104. Issue 460 - FILTER can't deal with a literal before the variable
  105. Issue 459 - Improved the `BatchedPipeline`
  106. Issue 458 - Add a new loglevel called "Timing"
  107. Issue 457 - Refactored some shared_ptrs to unique_ptrs in the IndexBuilder
  108. Issue 456 - Fixed a small bug in the Turtle Tokenizer's Whitespace parsing.
  109. Issue 455 - Use ninja instead of make inside the Dockerfile
  110. Issue 454 - Add lbzip2 to the Dockerfile
  111. Issue 453 - Suppress a warning from the Antlr4 submodule on clang12
  112. Issue 452 - Use JeMalloc as the default malloc implementation.
  113. Issue 451 - Blank nodes in results should be shown as 'unknown value' in the UI
  114. Issue 450 - Parallel parsing, the draft.
  115. Issue 449 - 'Your query was' query does not match actual query in case of error
  116. Issue 448 - Fix error message
  117. Issue 447 - Integrated the ANTLR4 Parser generator,
  118. Issue 446 - Sparql Expressions, a cleaned up version with less commits.
  119. Issue 445 - Reduce the usage of Macros in the logging and json module.
  120. Issue 444 - Fix "almost empty" prefix filters
  121. Issue 443 - Make the Vocabulary class aware of the different Datatypes
  122. Issue 442 - Implemented a ConstexprSmallString
  123. Issue 441 - Make the initialization of the FastRandomIntGenerator more idiomatic
  124. Issue 440 - Make the SortPerformanceEstimator's initialization faster in Debug mode
  125. Issue 439 - Integrated a type trait to figure out, if a Type is an instantiation of a specified template
  126. Issue 438 - Make QLever compile with clang++12
  127. Issue 437 - Move the `ResultType` enum to a separate file
  128. Issue 436 - Created a separate struct called SelectClause in the ParsedQuery.cpp
  129. Issue 435 - Added some explicit template instantiations
  130. Issue 434 - Fixed Wrong resultTypes in columns.
  131. Issue 433 - Created a separate struct called SelectClause in the ParsedQuery.cpp
  132. Issue 432 - Removed a lot of redundant code in the SparqlLexer.
  133. Issue 431 - Fix empty Mantissa converting error
  134. Issue 430 - Movable CompactStringVector
  135. Issue 429 - F.compressed patterns
  136. Issue 428 - Make test is a separate line in the Dockerfile.
  137. Issue 427 - Allow Id-space exports of query results
  138. Issue 426 - Use CALL_FIXED_SIZE_1 for up to 10 columns.
  139. Issue 425 - Faster parallel Vocabulary Reading
  140. Issue 424 - Faster Resizing of IdTables
  141. Issue 423 - Fixed a small error in the initialization of the FastRandomIntGenerator.
  142. Issue 422 - F.serializer
  143. Issue 421 - Update clang format to version 11
  144. Issue 420 - F.compressed relations
  145. Issue 419 - Do not merge 2: Everything Else that is needed for the evaluation paper.
  146. Issue 418 - F.parallel stl sort
  147. Issue 417 - A parallel implementation of the linear JOIN operation
  148. Issue 416 - Fix the prefix filter
  149. Issue 415 - Fixed an off-by-one error in the RdfEscaping module.
  150. Issue 414 - Bug in prefix filter
  151. Issue 413 - OSM: DO NOT MERGE
  152. Issue 412 - ParseException when using nameservice on a query which contains a comment line
  153. Issue 411 - New badges
  154. Issue 410 - New badges
  155. Issue 409 - New badges
  156. Issue 408 - Added a badge for github actions.
  157. Issue 407 - Fix two missing includes which prevented Compilation on clang 11.
  158. Issue 406 - Add Github Action for Docker and remove Travis.
  159. Issue 405 - SparqlExpressions! And a properParser! (both at least partially, but with a general, extendable framework)
  160. Issue 404 - Changes to make the fast CTRE index builder work for OSM (do not merge)
  161. Issue 403 - Nameservice hides some results
  162. Issue 402 - Perform unescaping of literals in the Sparql parser again,
  163. Issue 401 - Disable TwoColumnJoin
  164. Issue 400 - Introduce a Strong Type for Sparql Variables
  165. Issue 399 - BIND with more general binary operations
  166. Issue 398 - Tweak in SortPerformanceEstimator (faster + log)
  167. Issue 397 - Correct Request Timing for the Server
  168. Issue 396 - Fix the Size/Cost Estimate For Transitive Paths with a fixed value.
  169. Issue 395 - Added the scientist Index to Github
  170. Issue 394 - Small change in the ConcurrentCache
  171. Issue 393 - SPARQL Parser handles escaping incorrectly
  172. Issue 392 - Better Error messages for the TurtleParser
  173. Issue 391 - Integrate the clang-format check into a separate github action.
  174. Issue 390 - Added two const annotations to make clang compile with C++20
  175. Issue 389 - Less RAM usage during Compilation of CTRE tests
  176. Issue 388 - Update the CTRE library
  177. Issue 387 - Moved the Vocabulary Implementation back into a CPP file.
  178. Issue 386 - Working Pimpl-Version of Index
  179. Issue 385 - Compile QLever with C++20
  180. Issue 384 - Better descriptor for transitive path
  181. Issue 383 - Fix cost estimate for transitive path
  182. Issue 382 - Fix for restoring the runtime information tree.
  183. Issue 381 - Should "sort" and "indexScan" be implemented in the appropriate Operations?
  184. Issue 380 - Type-Erased "user data" in GroupBy class violates RAII
  185. Issue 379 - Redundancy in Sort and OrderBY Operation
  186. Issue 378 - Unused toString method in ParsedQuery
  187. Issue 377 - Confusing argument names dynRes and inputDyn
  188. Issue 376 - build errors
  189. Issue 375 - WMF Grant and SPARQL Update
  190. Issue 374 - Removed use of the deprecated icu macro TRUE
  191. Issue 373 - Fixed a source of segmentation faults in the ProperyPathParser
  192. Issue 372 - Fixed the compilation bug in the current master.
  193. Issue 371 - Fix index build for literal "\"^^"@en
  194. Issue 370 - Added getopt based cmd line parsing to the e2e.sh script.
  195. Issue 369 - F.simple hashmap type
  196. Issue 368 - Fixed invalid access to DATA::ManagesStorage in the IdTable header.
  197. Issue 367 - TSV export problem for xml data
  198. Issue 366 - Pattern Trick for Objects
  199. Issue 365 - Removed the unused ScanningJoin files.
  200. Issue 364 - Switched to using the uWebSockets library for http.
  201. Issue 363 - Updated the travis ubuntu version to ubuntu 20
  202. Issue 362 - Added an action for exporting sparql result json.
  203. Issue 361 - Duplicate results for predicate queries
  204. Issue 360 - Question: SPARQL result format and protocol
  205. Issue 359 - Fix clang format error in QueryPlanner.cpp
  206. Issue 358 - Fix code style
  207. Issue 357 - Updated abseil for support of gcc 10.
  208. Issue 356 - More aggressive size estimate for Prefix Filter
  209. Issue 355 - All changes needed for the Evaluation paper
  210. Issue 354 - Filter = "literal" now ignores language tags in the KB.
  211. Issue 353 - The following subquery segfaults the WikidataFull instance consistently
  212. Issue 352 - F.id encoded DO NOT MERGE
  213. Issue 351 - Subquery leads to error
  214. Issue 350 - In a regex Filter, prefixes are no longer expanded.
  215. Issue 349 - Distinct in Subqueries leads to unnecessary sort operations
  216. Issue 348 - F.memory limited cache
  217. Issue 347 - Add ENV to avoid problems with tzdata
  218. Issue 346 - First draft of a timeout for operations
  219. Issue 345 - ParseException, cause: Invalid character e in property path ?relation
  220. Issue 344 - Implement a rough memory Limit for the IdTables
  221. Issue 343 - Fix a tricky error
  222. Issue 342 - Use a parallel taskloop for the CountPredicates operation
  223. Issue 341 - Integers have no schema information and are returned (and shown) as floats
  224. Issue 340 - Minus
  225. Issue 339 - Results as csv or tsv have no content, only separators
  226. Issue 338 - More generic Cache key for Group by
  227. Issue 337 - Fix example queries for wikidata-full because of non-working langMatches
  228. Issue 336 - ParseException for most, but not all queries
  229. Issue 335 - Modernize the code to compile without Warnings in GCC 9.3
  230. Issue 334 - Fix block boundary bug introduced by Unicode refactoring
  231. Issue 333 - Predicate path with (^schema:about)? takes forever
  232. Issue 332 - BIND for Constants and variable renaming.
  233. Issue 331 - Size and Cost estimates for regex filters are completely broken.
  234. Issue 330 - Unbound variables are now written in the correct order
  235. Issue 329 - Unbound variable in SELECT clause should give empty column
  236. Issue 328 - Implemented disjunction (or) via '
  237. Issue 327 - Surprising std:bad_alloc when filtering on "^<" (non-fatal, but wrong empty result)
  238. Issue 326 - F.temp optimizer and sort order merged (DONT MERGE, but Hannah may test it)
  239. Issue 325 - Make the optimizer (more) correct
  240. Issue 324 - Treat GraphPatterns in Query Bodies more correctly.
  241. Issue 323 - Refactoring the `ParsedQuery` class
  242. Issue 322 - Unify the Sort Keys of the OrderBy and the Sort Operation
  243. Issue 321 - Strange Rebase Test
  244. Issue 320 - Refactored the IdTable class to make interfaces simpler + more correct
  245. Issue 319 - Bugfix for the JOIN routine
  246. Issue 318 - Implementation of a More Flexible Cache
  247. Issue 317 - Correctly handle Escapes in the Turtle input.
  248. Issue 316 - Add libicu-dev to package requirements in native_setup.md
  249. Issue 315 - Example astronauts query yields exception on Wikidata Full
  250. Issue 314 - Query Planner Prematurely Does not See into Optional Joins.
  251. Issue 313 - Move the LocaleManager class to the util folder
  252. Issue 312 - Fix the Unicode collation for almost equal literals and the external vocabulary
  253. Issue 311 - Completions for property paths with * get error response
  254. Issue 310 - Bad JOIN ORDER when joining English Wikipedia names to entities (42 vs. 2 seconds)
  255. Issue 309 - Out-of-Vocab for VALUES is not an error
  256. Issue 308 - Fix broken TSV export
  257. Issue 307 - Faster Turtle Parsing using Compile Time Regexes
  258. Issue 306 - Provide KB Index version or date
  259. Issue 305 - Subqueries keep their orderBy clauses and the query optimizer is ..
  260. Issue 304 - ORDER BY in subquery is wrongly ignored
  261. Issue 303 - Freebase example query yields noncredible result
  262. Issue 302 - Speeding up the first phase of Index Building
  263. Issue 301 - Clueweb+Freebase is unavailable
  264. Issue 300 - Fixing Escaped Strings in the Sparql Parser
  265. Issue 299 - Updated Clang-Format to version 8 which has better support for C++17 …
  266. Issue 298 - Query without 'PREFIX' is endlessly waiting for a response
  267. Issue 297 - Proper Unicode Handling for QLever
  268. Issue 296 - Handling Escaped characters (ECHAR in Sparql/Turtle Grammar) is wrong for the SparqlParser, the TurtleParser and the Regex Filter Parser
  269. Issue 295 - Small fix for the QueryPlanner.cpp
  270. Issue 294 - QueryPlannerTest flakyness
  271. Issue 293 - Fixed the subtree column of has pedicate scans. Fixes #289
  272. Issue 292 - Fix missing assignment/uninitialized value
  273. Issue 291 - Fix missing whitespace in error message
  274. Issue 290 - If VALUES result set is empty, an exception is thrown
  275. Issue 289 - ql:has-predicate yields incorrect results in conjunction with ps: predicate
  276. Issue 288 - Improve Caching
  277. Issue 287 - Simple query yields no result
  278. Issue 286 - Made the join of two optional results optional. Fixes #278
  279. Issue 285 - Switched all printing to stderr to printing to stdout. Fixes #283.
  280. Issue 284 - Better handling of several special cases for TransitivePaths.
  281. Issue 283 - The e2e script's output is mangled
  282. Issue 282 - Improve Caching
  283. Issue 281 - Remove variable/column map redundancy (WIP)
  284. Issue 280 - Both QueryExecutionTree and Operations have diverging variable/column mappings
  285. Issue 279 - Caching Improvements (Old version with memory size limit, discard)
  286. Issue 278 - Multiple OPTIONALs mishandled
  287. Issue 277 - Fix FILTER (lang(…) = …) for predicate paths #276
  288. Issue 276 - Property path and language FILTER broken
  289. Issue 275 - Made the lexer ignore comments.
  290. Issue 274 - Some small fixes
  291. Issue 273 - FILTER with '&&' and '
  292. Issue 272 - Support for unconnected graph patterns/triples
  293. Issue 271 - Improve SPARQL parser by using proper token lexing
  294. Issue 270 - Implement VALUES syntax and operation
  295. Issue 269 - Fix galloping join
  296. Issue 268 - Added a script to quickly validate a join result using sqlite3
  297. Issue 267 - Slight reorg of IndexBuilderMain fixes #266
  298. Issue 266 - IndexBuilderMain dumps core if .stxxl file can't be written
  299. Issue 265 - No `-t` flag, MAINTAINER in Dockerfile fixes #264
  300. Issue 264 - Update Dockerfile (deprecated MAINTAINER, problematic default CMD)
  301. Issue 263 - Don't crash on empty index. Fixes #262
  302. Issue 262 - IndexBuilderMain dumps core on empty stream input without good error message
  303. Issue 261 - Made the uses of SFINAE gcc 9.1 compatible.
  304. Issue 260 - COUNT standard conformance
  305. Issue 259 - Fix getVariableColumns() for TwoColumnJoin fixes #256
  306. Issue 258 - Better lexer, better parser, better tests and VALUES
  307. Issue 257 - Transitive paths that begin or terminate in a fixed value return wrong results
  308. Issue 256 - Problem with Subquery
  309. Issue 255 - Return mention of entity in the returned text
  310. Issue 254 - Don't crash on non groupable var in GROUP BY
  311. Issue 253 - Grouping by a COUNT() not supported
  312. Issue 252 - Support triples with ?same <pred> ?same
  313. Issue 251 - Query with the same variable on both sides of a predicate crashes QLever
  314. Issue 250 - Separation dot without space and prefixed name
  315. Issue 249 - FILTER regex prefix filter should ignore "
  316. Issue 248 - Fix ORDER BY and FILTER on COUNT() columns #247
  317. Issue 247 - HAVING and ORDER BY broken on COUNT() columns
  318. Issue 246 - Move .stxxl file into index directory
  319. Issue 245 - Better pattern trick detection
  320. Issue 244 - Predicate paths
  321. Issue 243 - Original times in RuntimeInformation for cached queries
  322. Issue 242 - TextOperationWithFilter with width > 1 is untested in End-to-End Tests
  323. Issue 241 - Fixed getFilteredECListForWords ignoring the first occurence of an entity.
  324. Issue 240 - Fix TEXT(?t) broken by sentinel removal (#238)
  325. Issue 239 - TextOperationWithFilter unexpectedly empty
  326. Issue 238 - TEXT(?t) broken and E2E Tests didn't catch it
  327. Issue 237 - Unnecessary warning of missing input when adding text with -A
  328. Issue 236 - Write a Proper SparQL parser using Antlr4
  329. Issue 235 - When builing a case insensitive index the tmp.compression.index.partial.* files are not deleted
  330. Issue 234 - Replacing the handwritten web server with Boost beast
  331. Issue 233 - Add column names to RuntimeInformation
  332. Issue 232 - Fixed multiplicity calculation (small bugfix)
  333. Issue 231 - Small docs improvements
  334. Issue 230 - Build fixes for clang 8.0 and GCC 9.1
  335. Issue 229 - Building with clang 8.0 fails
  336. Issue 228 - Update to current STXXL version
  337. Issue 227 - Faster Index Build- Phase 1
  338. Issue 226 - Add missing file type flag
  339. Issue 225 - Preallocated Space for STXXL does not suit small NOR big knowledge bases.
  340. Issue 224 - removed -a key from dockerfile CMD and quickstart docs
  341. Issue 223 - Replaced `langMatches(a, b)` with `lang(a) = b`
  342. Issue 222 - Remove all temporary files that are created by the IndexBuilder
  343. Issue 221 - Annoying Debug output of STXXL due to old version
  344. Issue 220 - Parsing from (un)compressed Streams.
  345. Issue 219 - Bugfix on the refactor PR
  346. Issue 218 - Can't use read-only index mount with latest version
  347. Issue 217 - Remove sentinels as they race with multi threading
  348. Issue 216 - First try of using parallelism in the sort operation
  349. Issue 215 - ".partial-ids-mmapXX' files are not deleted after index build
  350. Issue 214 - F.refactor scans
  351. Issue 213 - Update nlohmann/json to 3.6.1 and improve JSON encoding of RuntimeInformation
  352. Issue 212 - Fix typo in README
  353. Issue 211 - Quick fix for the second half of the assertion bug
  354. Issue 210 - Fix assertion failure in getFollowBlockForLhs() (#206)
  355. Issue 209 - F.case insensitive label sorting
  356. Issue 208 - Fix for the ASSERTION bug that Niklas discovered.
  357. Issue 207 - Make externalization more configurable
  358. Issue 206 - Flaky assertion failure on empty PSO scan
  359. Issue 205 - Radix sort
  360. Issue 204 - [Idea Could we use a O(n) (Radix-/Bucketsort) because we always sort Ids]
  361. Issue 203 - ql:has-pattern should be used automatically if possible
  362. Issue 202 - Trim the README.md and add quickstart guide
  363. Issue 201 - Configuration for Wikidata is undocumented
  364. Issue 200 - In Performance Digests the description may be inconsistent
  365. Issue 199 - Simpler float index conv., xsd:double fix #196
  366. Issue 198 - Add missed obtaining_data.md fixes #197
  367. Issue 197 - recommended sources link in readme returns 404
  368. Issue 196 - Filtering on xsd:double
  369. Issue 195 - Filtering with < on floats is actually <=
  370. Issue 194 - Support FILTER (lang(?label) = "en") and fix langMatches()
  371. Issue 193 - Better result tables
  372. Issue 192 - Implemented the missing support for counting the predicates of a sing…
  373. Issue 191 - Pattern Trick fails with fixed subject
  374. Issue 190 - Finish result in Operation::getResult() and add size to performance digest
  375. Issue 189 - Query Optimization is slow, possibly due to cache awareness
  376. Issue 188 - Improve Pattern Trick Stats
  377. Issue 187 - Added the basics for detailed query processing time tracking.
  378. Issue 186 - Patterns exclude lang predicates
  379. Issue 185 - Made the pattern trick ignore @..@ language predicates.
  380. Issue 184 - Explicitly set LOGLEVEL to DEBUG in Dockerfile
  381. Issue 183 - [Feature Exclude @lang@predicate from ql:has-predicate]
  382. Issue 182 - Various bugfixes. Ensured node ids in the triple graph use 64 bits.
  383. Issue 181 - Improved the cmake options. Added more output to the pattern trick.
  384. Issue 180 - Improve the Readme
  385. Issue 179 - Enable a timeout for Queries
  386. Issue 178 - [Feature Output statistics on Pattern Trick]
  387. Issue 177 - Fix use of ResultTable::isFinished() fixes build
  388. Issue 176 - Sorting by entity id does not work as expected
  389. Issue 175 - [Feature Proposal Enable association of text records with KB data]
  390. Issue 174 - Added missing debug output to a variety of operations.
  391. Issue 173 - Enable aborting an Operation result, fix dead lock
  392. Issue 172 - Resuscitate performance test scripts
  393. Issue 171 - Optimizer is now aware of cached subresults
  394. Issue 170 - The prefix filter is being used for case insensitive queries
  395. Issue 169 - Bugfix for CountAvailablePredicates that prevents out of range access of the input.
  396. Issue 168 - Add time and potentially memory constraints to queries
  397. Issue 167 - Fixed a bug making CountAvailablePredicates not work for _varSizedData.
  398. Issue 166 - Allow TurtleParser output into file
  399. Issue 165 - Connection problem... during large query
  400. Issue 164 - Added a FullRelationScan operation.
  401. Issue 163 - Filter fix
  402. Issue 162 - Filter on empty ResultTable seems to break in some situations
  403. Issue 161 - Latest nlohmann/json no submodule fixes #121
  404. Issue 160 - SPARQL literals don't support escapes and regex()
  405. Issue 159 - Bugfixes
  406. Issue 158 - Subqueries can lead to filters not being applied
  407. Issue 157 - Invalid regex leads to unhandled exception
  408. Issue 156 - Subquery joins return wrong results if joins on more than two columns are required
  409. Issue 155 - Feat subquery
  410. Issue 154 - Added a duplicate alias check to the parser. Fixes #153.
  411. Issue 153 - Crash with `DESC((COUNT(…`
  412. Issue 152 - First version of a Turtle Parser (cleaned)
  413. Issue 151 - Feat union
  414. Issue 150 - Simplify format for query lists
  415. Issue 149 - Fast case insensitive sort order and regex
  416. Issue 148 - Compiler warning in ResultTable.h
  417. Issue 147 - Added optimized handling of range filters on sorted data.
  418. Issue 146 - Add multi token mention to wordsfile example
  419. Issue 145 - Added a prefix filter and support for different column types to filters
  420. Issue 144 - Filters on text columns lead to a crash
  421. Issue 143 - Separate prefix file, fixing #141
  422. Issue 142 - Fix signed/unsigned comparison in QueryPlanner
  423. Issue 141 - Dumping prefixes for compression in JSON throws exception for invalid UTF-8
  424. Issue 140 - First version of a Turtle Parser
  425. Issue 139 - Faster Index Building using a single-pass approach.
  426. Issue 138 - Bingmann stxxl update
  427. Issue 137 - Improve HashMap/Set situation
  428. Issue 136 - HashMap is untested, broken and used inconsistently
  429. Issue 135 - DONOTMERGE for Summer School (everything in memory, only minimally needed files)
  430. Issue 134 - WikidataFull for Panarea-Demo. Do NOT MERGE
  431. Issue 133 - Add GroupBy into the optimizer.
  432. Issue 132 - fixed clang-format
  433. Issue 131 - F.patch kalmbach for buerklinDoNotMerge
  434. Issue 130 - Added support for HAVING. Fixes #104.
  435. Issue 129 - Very slow GROUP BY query, which could be much faster with better query plan
  436. Issue 128 - Efficient Permutation creation
  437. Issue 127 - Fix Travis caching issue
  438. Issue 126 - F.efficient language filter
  439. Issue 125 - End-to-End testing using docker
  440. Issue 124 - GROUP BY at the end very slow for some queries
  441. Issue 123 - Support the Turtle format as used by Wikidata
  442. Issue 122 - Enable End-to-End test during docker build
  443. Issue 121 - third_party/json and docker context size
  444. Issue 120 - Actually use Operation::knownEmptyResult fixes #42
  445. Issue 119 - Fix filter >= printing as <=
  446. Issue 118 - Improved the check that determines if the pattern trick should be used.
  447. Issue 117 - Fix FILTER with numeric constants
  448. Issue 116 - Correct some uses of wrong variable types preventing QLever from running on ARM
  449. Issue 115 - Add explicit continue instead of falling through
  450. Issue 114 - FILTER with numerical constant does not work
  451. Issue 113 - Regex filter
  452. Issue 112 - Implemented Several internal relations needed for QLeverUI autocomplete
  453. Issue 111 - Debug level TRACE is currently broken when ql:has-predicate is used
  454. Issue 110 - Don't estimate OPTIONAL_JOIN size as 0 fixes #108
  455. Issue 109 - Change OrderBy asString() to match, JOIN etc
  456. Issue 108 - OPTIONAL leads to no results
  457. Issue 107 - Disambiguate non-existing optional value and ""
  458. Issue 106 - JSON output for OPTIONAL is ambiguous
  459. Issue 105 - Prefix Compression and faster startup time
  460. Issue 104 - FILTER ignored in query with ql:has-predicate
  461. Issue 103 - Query with one ql:has-predicate triple is slow if COUNT is in ORDER BY clause
  462. Issue 102 - What does "Performing unique to ensure RDF semantics..." mean? (IndexBuilderMain log)
  463. Issue 101 - Run clang-format before we check in Travis
  464. Issue 100 - Check code style during Travis CI build
  465. Issue 99 - Consider switching away from Travis CI
  466. Issue 98 - Code style inconsistencies
  467. Issue 97 - Fixes #89. Changes filers to copy the _isOptional flag from their input.
  468. Issue 96 - Increase QET cache and STXXL memory size
  469. Issue 95 - Queries with FILTER depend on whether there is a . before
  470. Issue 94 - F.remove code duplications
  471. Issue 93 - Small bugfix in MetaDataConverterMain
  472. Issue 92 - Don't use make -j it may exhaust all memory
  473. Issue 91 - C++17
  474. Issue 90 - Run unit tests during docker build
  475. Issue 89 - OPTIONAL and FILTER in a single query seem to create a conflict
  476. Issue 88 - Improve ad_utility::.strip() and ad_utility::splitAny()
  477. Issue 87 - Fix ad_utlity::strip() crash when the result is empty
  478. Issue 86 - ad_utility::strip() crashes on stripping to empty
  479. Issue 85 - Added support for using the pattern trick without a subquery. Fixes #81.
  480. Issue 84 - ql:has-relation segfaults with COUNT
  481. Issue 83 - Update to latest github.com/stxxl/stxxl version
  482. Issue 82 - Use CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT instead of -pthread
  483. Issue 81 - Aggregate query with only one ql:has-predicate triple fails
  484. Issue 80 - Dense Meta Data using MMap-Based arrays
  485. Issue 79 - Improve docker handling
  486. Issue 78 - Cleanup ScanMethod pointer, reformat, fix debug
  487. Issue 77 - E2E: Add order_numeric, and order_string checks
  488. Issue 76 - Order by aggregate
  489. Issue 75 - Dockerfile
  490. Issue 74 - Query with `ql:has-relation` crashes QLever when `--paterns` wasn't used
  491. Issue 73 - Don't force "en_US.utf8" locale
  492. Issue 72 - Improved ql:has-relation versatility.
  493. Issue 71 - Language Filter
  494. Issue 70 - End-to-End Tests
  495. Issue 69 - Implemented several more changes requested during the pull request review
  496. Issue 68 - Tests are inadequate when it comes to standard functionality
  497. Issue 67 - Code duplication and precision concerns with convertIndexWordToFloat/String()
  498. Issue 66 - Fix warning by using `ASSERT_FALSE()`
  499. Issue 65 - Added documentation for ql:has-relation. Fixes #64
  500. Issue 64 - ql:has-relation not documented
  501. Issue 63 - Grouping
  502. Issue 62 - Fix Travis overriding the gcc-5 directive
  503. Issue 61 - Travis still doesn't use GCC 5
  504. Issue 60 - Travis: Install and use GCC 5
  505. Issue 59 - Efficient index creation
  506. Issue 58 - Prevent copying/assigning to ResultTable + format
  507. Issue 57 - Fix #56: `pread()` has a smaller size limit than `read()` on Linux
  508. Issue 56 - Multi threaded version breaks on some queries (even with 1 thread)
  509. Issue 55 - Inconsistent Text Query: Additional entity variable adds results
  510. Issue 54 - Add a Google + left aligned pointer .clang-format
  511. Issue 53 - Error message on "too short Prefix" is unclear and misleading
  512. Issue 52 - IndexBuilderMain quits without finishing correctly or showing error message
  513. Issue 51 - Pattern trick
  514. Issue 50 - Fix urlPrefix, don't include "file" part
  515. Issue 49 - Fix debug message printing request headers
  516. Issue 48 - Make getHTTPRequest() at least somewhat sane
  517. Issue 47 - Multithreaded
  518. Issue 46 - std::bad_alloc on simple broken query
  519. Issue 45 - Use window.location.path as prefix for URLs
  520. Issue 44 - Simplify .travis.yml, allow container env (no sudo)
  521. Issue 43 - Feat optional
  522. Issue 42 - FILTER EQ returns no results sometimes
  523. Issue 41 - Travis CI Support
  524. Issue 40 - Parser asserts replaced with AD_THROWs & error msgs.
  525. Issue 39 - Simplify ResultTable getDataAsVarSize()
  526. Issue 38 - ORDER BY changes result size when combined with DISTINCT
  527. Issue 37 - Add missing 'u8' prefixes to some UTF-8 constants
  528. Issue 36 - Added splitting at multiple whitespace characters
  529. Issue 35 - Missing full blank node support
  530. Issue 34 - Add support for the short form of xsd values
  531. Issue 33 - Fix wrong debug print, print the header size
  532. Issue 32 - Fix parseexception returning freed memory
  533. Issue 31 - Changed emph_off to [22m instead of [21m.
  534. Issue 30 - Allowed blank nodes in nt file parsing
  535. Issue 29 - IndexBuilderMain: Segmentation fault
  536. Issue 28 - Assertion failure in dense sparsehash/densehashtable.h when building OSP permutation
  537. Issue 27 - Building index on wikidata.truthy.12Nov17 could not parse URI
  538. Issue 26 - Fix #25
  539. Issue 25 - Crash with simple ?rel query
  540. Issue 24 - Additional README with example for context->sentences and entire document retrieval
  541. Issue 23 - Filter doesn't really filter
  542. Issue 22 - Support OPTIONAL{}
  543. Issue 21 - Typos in queries need much better feedback / error msgs
  544. Issue 20 - Assertion failure when building index on freebase-rdf-latest.nt
  545. Issue 19 - Add list of selected variables to JSON output
  546. Issue 18 - Set SO_KEEPALIVE on client sockets
  547. Issue 17 - Don't be case sensitive with SPARQL keywords
  548. Issue 16 - Support COUNT() aggregation
  549. Issue 15 - Fix empty join, that's what you get for weak tests
  550. Issue 14 - Support splitting/stripping UTF-8 string
  551. Issue 13 - Small changes
  552. Issue 12 - Newest commit breaks QueryExecutionTreeTest
  553. Issue 11 - Error messages in the UI get displayed incorrectly
  554. Issue 10 - Section 5 of README does not make perfect sense.
  555. Issue 9 - Segfault
  556. Issue 8 - Replace one more "char < 0" with bit test
  557. Issue 7 - Fixes to getLower/UppercaseUtf8()
  558. Issue 6 - Simplify how strings are read from DocsDB and ExternalVocabulary
  559. Issue 5 - Segfault caused by typo in query:
  560. Issue 4 - Freebase Mappings
  561. Issue 3 - New Simple8bCode
  562. Issue 2 - modify the Simple8bCode.h following the requests
  563. Issue 1 - Update Simple8bCode.h