Wikidata Import 2024-10-17
Import | |
state | ✅ |
url | |
target | QLever |
start | 2024-10-17 |
end | 2024-10-18 |
days | 0.9 |
os | Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS |
cpu | Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6326 CPU @ 2.90GHz (16 cores) |
ram | 512 |
triples | 16.3 |
comment | latest-all.ttl.bz2 16-Oct-2024 18:01 113822933425 ->/hd/delta/qlever/wikidata_20241017/ |
Using qlv script
see for the most current version
# QLever Wikidata Backup and Indexing Script
# Author: WF
# Date: 2024-10-17
# Version: 1.0
# Purpose:
# This script manages daily Wikidata backups and indexing using the QLever SPARQL engine
# in a rotating fashion across multiple disks. It is designed to be run once per day by cron.
# Key Functions:
# 1. Rotates between available disks (/hd/*) for daily Wikidata backups
# 2. Ensures disk space and RAM are not overutilized
# 3. Manages Docker containers for indexing and serving, preventing interference
# 4. Sets up multiple SPARQL endpoints with appropriate naming
# Color definitions
# Function to display colored messages
color_msg() {
local l_color="$1"
local l_msg="$2"
echo -e "${l_color}$l_msg${endColor}"
# Function to display errors
error() {
local l_msg="$1"
color_msg $red "Error:" 1>&2
color_msg $red "\t$l_msg" 1>&2
exit 1
# Function to display negative messages
negative() {
local l_msg="$1"
color_msg $red "❌:$l_msg"
# Function to display positive messages
positive() {
local l_msg="$1"
color_msg $green "✅:$l_msg"
# Function to display usage information
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS]"
echo "Options:"
echo " -h, --help Show this help message"
echo " -c, --current Show the disk currently used by QLever"
echo " -d, --debug Enable debug output"
echo " -ir, --index-run Run QLever wikidata indexing on today's disk"
echo " -p, --pull Pull QLever Docker images"
echo " -qc, --qlever-control setup qlever-control"
echo " -s, --space Show free disk space"
echo " -t, --today Show disk to be used today"
echo " -v, --version Show version information"
exit 1
# setup qlever control
setup_qlever_control() {
# Check if /opt/qlever-control already exists
if [ ! -d "/opt/qlever-control" ]; then
color_msg $blue "Setting up QLever control in /opt/qlever-control..."
# Create the directory with the right permissions
sudo mkdir -p /opt/qlever-control
sudo chown -R root:users /opt/qlever-control
sudo chmod -R 775 /opt/qlever-control
# Clone the qlever-control repository
sudo git clone /opt/qlever-control
cd /opt/qlever-control
# Checkout the correct branch
sudo git checkout python-qlever
# Install qlever-control with pip
sudo pip install .
positive "QLever control setup and installed successfully."
positive "QLever control is already set up in /opt/qlever-control."
# Verify if the qlever command is installed
if which qlever > /dev/null 2>&1; then
positive "QLever is installed and available at $(which qlever)"
error "QLever installation failed or is not in the system PATH."
# Function to pull Docker images
pull_docker_images() {
color_msg $blue "Pulling QLever Docker images..."
if docker pull adfreiburg/qlever; then
positive "Successfully pulled adfreiburg/qlever"
negative "Failed to pull adfreiburg/qlever"
if docker pull adfreiburg/qlever-ui; then
positive "Successfully pulled adfreiburg/qlever-ui"
negative "Failed to pull adfreiburg/qlever-ui"
# get the disk that is currently in use
check_current_disk() {
# Get the current disk used by qlever.server.wikidata
current_disk=$(docker inspect qlever.server.wikidata --format '{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Source }}:{{ .Destination }}{{ printf "\n" }}{{ end }}' | grep "/hd/" | awk -F':' '{print $1}')
# Display the current disk
if [ -n "$current_disk" ]; then
echo "$current_disk"
error "No disk found for qlever.server.wikidata"
# get the disk of the day
disk_of_the_day() {
# Define the available disks
disks=(/hd/alpha /hd/beta /hd/gamma /hd/delta)
# Get the current day of the week as an index
day=$(date +%u) # 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
# Select the disk based on the day
disk_index=$(( (day - 1) % ${#disks[@]} ))
# Return the selected disk
echo "$selected_disk"
# show the available disk space
show_disk_space() {
# Print the header with proper formatting
printf "%-10s %-15s %10s %10s %4s\n" "Directory" "Device" "Available" "Total" "Type"
for dir in /hd/*; do
# Get the device mounted to this directory
device=$(df $dir | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}')
# Get available and total space using df
available=$(df -h $dir | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}')
total=$(df -h $dir | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}')
# Determine if the device is SSD or HDD
if [[ "$device" == *nvme* ]]; then
base_device=$(echo "$device" | sed 's/[0-9]*$//') # Strip partition number
rotational=$(cat /sys/block/$(basename $base_device)/queue/rotational)
if [ "$rotational" -eq 0 ]; then
# Print the results with proper formatting
printf "%-10s %-15s %10s %10s %4s\n" "$(basename $dir)" "$device" "$available" "$total" "$type"
# Function to prepare the directory for today's QLever indexing
prepare_dir() {
local disk=$(disk_of_the_day)
local isodate=$(date +%Y%m%d)
sudo mkdir -p "$dir"
sudo chown -R $(whoami):$(whoami) "$dir"
sudo chmod -R 775 "$dir"
echo $dir
# Function to execute the QLever indexing inside a screen session with logging
execute_index() {
local isodate=$(date +%Y%m%d)
local dir="$1"
local session="qlever_wikidata_$isodate"
local scriptfile="$dir/"
local logfile="$dir/screen.log"
# Create the script that will be run inside the screen session
cat <<EOF > "$scriptfile"
cd $dir
exec > >(tee -a "$logfile") 2>&1
echo "Starting QLever indexing process at \$(date)"
qlever setup-config wikidata
qlever get-data
qlever index
qlever start
echo "QLever indexing process completed at \$(date)"
chmod +x "$scriptfile"
screen -dmS $session bash -c "$scriptfile"
# Verify that the screen session started successfully
if screen -ls | grep -q "$session"; then
positive "Started screen session $session."
positive "Logging to $logfile"
error "Failed to start screen session $session."
# run qlever wikidata indexing with screen on today's disk
create_and_run_index() {
# Prepare the directory for today's QLever indexing and capture the directory
positive "Created directory $dir"
# Execute the QLever indexing inside a screen session with logging
execute_index "$dir"
# Parse command line options
while [[ "$#" -gt 0 ]]; do
case $1 in
-h|--help) usage ;;
-c|--current) check_current_disk; exit 0 ;;
-d|--debug) DEBUG=1 ;;
-ir|--index-run) create_and_run_index; exit 0 ;;
-p|--pull) pull_docker_images; exit 0 ;;
-qc|--qlever-control) setup_qlever_control; exit 0 ;;
-s|--space) show_disk_space; exit 0 ;;
-t|--today) disk_of_the_day; exit 0 ;;
-v|--version) echo "Version 1.0"; exit 0 ;;
*) error "Unknown parameter passed: $1" ;;
exit 0
qlv -h
Usage: /home/wf/bin/qlv [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Show this help message
-c, --current Show the disk currently used by QLever
-d, --debug Enable debug output
-ir, --index-run Run QLever wikidata indexing on today's disk
-p, --pull Pull QLever Docker images
-qc, --qlever-control setup qlever-control
-s, --space Show free disk space
-t, --today Show disk to be used today
-v, --version Show version information
qlv -s
Directory Device Available Total Type
alpha /dev/sdb1 2.0T 3.5T SSD
beta /dev/sdc1 2.2T 3.5T SSD
delta /dev/sde1 3.3T 3.5T SSD
eneco /dev/sda1 8.7T 11T HDD
gamma /dev/sdd1 3.2T 3.5T SSD
mantax /dev/nvme0n1p1 1.1T 5.8T SSD
qlv --today
qlv -ir
✅:Created directory /hd/delta/qlever/wikidata_20241017
✅:Started screen session qlever_wikidata_20241017.
✅:Logging to /hd/delta/qlever/wikidata_20241017/screen.log
tail -f /hd/delta/qlever/wikidata_20241017/screen.log
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete qlever)" && export QLEVER_ARGCOMPLETE_ENABLED=1
Command: get-data
curl -LRC - --remote-name-all 2>&1
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
1 106G 1 1474M 0 0 4019k 0 7:40:53 0:06:15 7:34:38 4125k
100 106G 100 106G 0 0 3958k 0 7:47:56 7:47:56 --:--:-- 3190k
Download successful, total file size: 114,328,083,715 bytes
docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v $(pwd):/index -w /index --init --entrypoint bash --name qlever.index.wikidata -c 'ulimit -Sn 1048576; lbzcat -n 4 -f latest-all.ttl.bz2 latest-lexemes.ttl.bz2 | IndexBuilderMain -F ttl -f - -i wikidata -s wikidata.settings.json --stxxl-memory 10G | tee wikidata.index-log.txt'
2024-10-17 17:32:57.964 - INFO: QLever IndexBuilder, compiled on Wed Oct 16 23:27:38 UTC 2024 using git hash 4acbca
2024-10-17 17:32:57.967 - INFO: You specified "locale = en_US" and "ignore-punctuation = 1"
2024-10-17 17:32:57.967 - INFO: You specified "ascii-prefixes-only = true", which enables faster parsing for well-behaved TTL files
2024-10-17 17:32:57.967 - INFO: You specified "num-triples-per-batch = 5,000,000", choose a lower value if the index builder runs out of memory
2024-10-17 17:32:57.967 - INFO: By default, integers that cannot be represented by QLever will throw an exception
2024-10-17 17:32:57.967 - INFO: Processing triples from /dev/stdin ...
2024-10-17 17:32:57.969 - INFO: Parsing input triples and creating partial vocabularies, one per batch ...
2024-10-17 17:33:26.265 - INFO: Triples parsed: 10,000,000
2024-10-17 20:10:00.386 - INFO: Triples parsed: 3,650,000,000 [average speed 0.4 M/s, fastest 0.6 M/s, slowest 0.3 M/s]
2024-10-18 05:30:27.974 - INFO: Triples parsed: 16,640,000,000
2024-10-18 08:23:20.447 - INFO: Triples parsed: 20,621,004,970
2024-10-18 08:23:20.707 - INFO: Merging partial vocabularies ...
2024-10-18 08:23:40.754 - INFO: Words merged: 10,000,000
2024-10-18 09:37:48.143 - INFO: Words merged: 3,688,975,165
2024-10-18 09:37:57.291 - INFO: Finished writing compressed internal vocabulary, size = 72.2 GB [uncompressed = 227.7 GB, ratio = 31%]
2024-10-18 09:37:57.298 - INFO: Number of words in external vocabulary: 3,688,975,165
2024-10-18 09:38:23.515 - INFO: Converting triples from local IDs to global IDs ...
2024-10-18 09:38:26.130 - INFO: Triples converted: 10,000,000 [average speed 13.
2024-10-18 09:57:46.509 - INFO: Triples converted: 15,090,000,000
2024-10-18 10:20:04.517 - INFO: Triples converted: 33,088,914,076 [average speed 13.2 M/s, last batch 16.7 M/s, fastest 22.9 M/s, slowest 6.6 M/s]
2024-10-18 10:20:14.777 - INFO: Creating permutations SPO and SOP ...
2024-10-18 10:20:22.470 - INFO: Triples sorted: 10,000,000
2024-10-18 10:40:45.236 - INFO: Triples sorted: 9,680,000,000
2024-10-18 11:04:44.521 - INFO: Triples sorted: 20,265,372,683 [average speed 7.6 M/s, last batch 2.3 M/s, fastest 37.0 M/s, slowest 1.3 M/s]
2024-10-18 11:04:45.875 - INFO: Statistics for SPO: #relations = 2,158,261,625, #blocks = 432,805, #triples = 20,265,372,683
2024-10-18 11:04:45.877 - INFO: Statistics for SOP: #relations = 2,158,261,625, #blocks = 432,805, #triples = 20,265,372,683
2024-10-18 11:04:56.150 - INFO: Number of distinct patterns: 9,470,289
2024-10-18 11:04:56.150 - INFO: Number of subjects with pattern: 2,158,261,625 [all]
2024-10-18 11:04:56.150 - INFO: Total number of distinct subject-predicate pairs: 12,022,246,169
2024-10-18 11:04:56.150 - INFO: Average number of predicates per subject: 5.6
2024-10-18 11:04:56.150 - INFO: Average number of subjects per predicate: 209,272
2024-10-18 11:05:07.943 - INFO: Creating permutations OSP and OPS ...
2024-10-18 11:05:20.574 - INFO: Triples sorted: 10,000,000
2024-10-18 12:08:42.508 - INFO: Triples sorted: 14,810,000,000
2024-10-18 14:59:02.433 - INFO: Triples sorted: 20,265,372,683 [average speed 3.3 M/s, last batch 6.6 M/s, fastest 12.9 M/s, slowest 0.0 M/s]
2024-10-18 14:59:03.078 - INFO: Statistics for PSO: #relations = 57,448, #blocks = 652,524, #triples = 20,265,372,683
2024-10-18 14:59:03.078 - INFO: Statistics for POS: #relations = 57,448, #blocks = 652,524, #triples = 20,265,372,683
2024-10-18 14:59:16.597 - INFO: Index build completed
To enable autocompletion, run the following command, and consider adding it to your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc`:
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete qlever)" && export QLEVER_ARGCOMPLETE_ENABLED=1
Command: start
docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro -v $(pwd):/index -p 7001:7001 -w /index --init --entrypoint bash --name qlever.server.wikidata -c 'ServerMain -i wikidata -j 8 -p 7001 -m 20G -c 10G -e 1G -k 200 -s 30s -a wikidata_GtdRwNQw9y4x > wikidata.server-log.txt 2>&1'
Starting the QLever server failed (docker: Error response from daemon: Conflict. The container name "/qlever.server.wikidata" is already in use by container "af4497fc45d1d344b5de660c8ff13bedb8d1c1b41154da517ba092715281d7fa". You have to remove (or rename) that container to be able to reuse that name. See 'docker run --help'.)
QLever indexing process completed at Fri Oct 18 02:59:23 PM CEST 2024