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id  pynomina
state  active
owner  WolfgangFahl
title  pynomina
version  0.0.3
description  personal finance tool
date  2024-10-09
since  2024-10-06


pynomina is a personal finance tool designed to provide a flexible and enduring solution for managing financial records from diverse personal accounting tool sources. It aims to address the challenges of data conversion between different accounting software and ensure long-term readability of financial data. There is only limited support for the actual accounting tasks - this can be done much better by existing commercial and open source solutions. pynomina aims to give you the long-term freedom of choice between tools.



pip install pynomina
# alternatively if your pip is not a python3 pip
pip3 install pynomina 
# local install from source directory of pynomina 
pip install .


pip install pynomina  -U
# alternatively if your pip is not a python3 pip
pip3 install pynomina -U


  1. Issue 2 - setup open checkos compatible opensource project

see also

Ledger Book

The pynomina Ledger Book model consists of four main classes:

  • Book
  • Account
  • Transaction
  • Split

These are the necessary classes which work together to represent a comprehensive financial ledger records.

Class Structure



The Book class represents the main container for all financial data. It includes:

  • Basic information: name, owner, creation date, and source URL
  • Collections of accounts and transactions
  • Methods for managing accounts and transactions, including:
    • get_stats(): Retrieves statistics about the book
    • filter(): Filters transactions by date range
    • create_account(): Creates a new account
    • add_account(): Adds an account to the book
    • lookup_account(): Finds an account by ID


The Account class represents a hierarchy of individual financial accounts within the ledger. It includes:

  • account_id: Unique identifier for the account
  • name: Human-readable account name
  • account_type: Type of account (e.g., EXPENSE, INCOME)
  • description: Optional account description
  • currency: Account currency (default: EUR)
  • parent_account_id: Optional parent account for hierarchical structure


The Transaction class represents individual financial transactions. It includes:

  • isodate: Date of the transaction in International Standards Organization date format yyyy-mm-dd
  • description: Description of the transaction
  • splits: List of Split objects representing the movement of money
  • payee: Optional payee information
  • memo: Optional additional notes
  • total_amount(): Method to calculate the total transaction amount


The Split class represents the individual components of a transaction, showing how money moves between accounts. It includes:

  • amount: The amount of money involved in the split
  • account_id: The account associated with this part of the transaction
  • memo: Optional notes for this split
  • reconciled: Boolean indicating if the split has been reconciled

Example Data

Here's an example of how the ledger model is used in practice:

Yaml Format

owner: Wolfgang Fahl
since: 2024-10-06
    account_id: Expenses
    name: Expenses
    account_type: EXPENSE
    description: 'General Expenses'
    currency: EUR
    account_id: Expenses:Food
    name: Dining
    account_type: EXPENSE
    description: 'Expenses for Food'
    currency: EUR
    parent_account_id: Expenses
  Cash in wallet:
    account_id: Wallet
    name: Cash in Wallet
    account_type: EXPENSE
    description: ''
    currency: EUR
    isodate: '2024-10-06'
    description: Bread
      - amount: -3.50
        account_id: Cash in Wallet
      - amount: 3.50
        account_id: Expenses:Dining
        memo: Fresh sourdough bread
    isodate: '2024-10-06'
    description: Buns for Breakfast
      - amount: -2.40
        account_id: Cash in Wallet
      - amount: 2.40
        account_id: Expenses:Dining
        memo: 4 whole grain buns


The ledger model is implemented in Python, utilizing dataclasses and type hinting for clear and maintainable code. The `@lod_storable` decorator is used to enable easy serialization and deserialization of the data in YAML and/or JSON and other formats. The core idea is that the records should be readily available an tabular "list of dicts (lod)" format.