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What is the BITPlan ProfiWiki?

Profiwiki may be used as a

  • ContentMangementSystem (CMS)
  • DocumentManagemtSystem (DMS)

that is based on MediaWiki and Semantic MediaWiki.

A BITPlan ProfiWiki is a standard MediaWiki which is extended with Semantic MediaWiki and other extensions. The result is a combination of a Wiki and a Graph database system. Useful functions like a UML documentation, comfortable upload by drag&drop and PDF export are already integrated.

To make the approach useable the BITPlan ProfiWiki system uses a predefined MetaModel

The database structure can be modified directly in the Wiki. MetaModel, Model and generated pages are handled in the same way. In principle a ProfiWiki works like a small "integrated development environment".

The utility of the Wiki lies in the collaboration possibilities. It is possibble to combine unstructured. spontaneous content with structure contend based on Forms Lists and Categories. This way users on different levels can be addressed. Those that want to use all details as well as users that do just want to occasionaly use the wiki without reading any manuels and just want to "click from page to page" and add data with predefined forms.

BITPlan ProfiWiki is a product that increases the benefit you get from Semantic Media Wiki and simplifies the structuring of your wiki.

BITPlan Profiwiki consists of:

  • a set of predefined templates, pages and media files
  • applying the Y-Principle to the structuring and use of Semantic MediaWiki

Open Source Project

id  ProfiWiki
state  active
owner  BITPlan
title  BITPlan Professional Semantic Media Wiki
version  0.1.4
description  Y-Principle driven Semantic MediaWiki
date  2023-04-17
since  2015-05-06

Why ProfiWiki?

Professional Wiki for your Enterprise

ProfiWiki is based on MediaWikiLogo.png

Why use the original MediaWiki?

  • there are some 2.500 Extensions available
  • there are many different skins available
  • it is free (as in free beer)
  • it is free (as in OpenSource)
  • the WikiMedia Foundation keeps maintaining it as the infrastucture for WikiPedia

An Example: Seeing is believing ...

ProfiWiki is based on SemanticMediaWikiLogo.png



profiwiki -h
usage: profiwiki [-h] [-a] [-V]

Copyright 2015-2023 contributors. All rights reserved.
  Licensed under the Apache License 2.0
  Distributed on an "AS IS" basis without warranties
  or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -a, --about    show about info [default: False]
  -V, --version  show program's version number and exit