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{{OsProject|id=com.bitplan.radolan|owner=BITPlan|title=Java port of Radolan parser|url=https://github.com/BITPlan/com.bitplan.radolan|version=0.0.2|date=2018-11-02}}
|title=Java port of Radolan parser
ported from golang version https://gitlab.cs.fau.de/since/radolan
ported from golang version https://gitlab.cs.fau.de/since/radolan
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* [https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan Analysen radarbasierter stündlicher (RW) und täglicher (SF) Niederschlagshöhen ]
* [https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan Analysen radarbasierter stündlicher (RW) und täglicher (SF) Niederschlagshöhen ]
* [https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan_alt RADOLAN (Radar-Online-Aneichung)]
* [https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan_alt RADOLAN (Radar-Online-Aneichung)]
see also {{Link|target=#Documents|title=Document list below}}
see also
{{Link|target=#Documents|title=Document list below}}
== DWD Radolan Opendata ==  
== DWD Radolan Opendata ==  

Latest revision as of 21:17, 7 March 2025


id  com.bitplan.radolan
state  dropped
owner  BITPlan
title  Java port of Radolan parser
url  https://github.com/BITPlan/com.bitplan.radolan
version  0.0.2
date  2018-11-02
until  2025-03-07


ported from golang version https://gitlab.cs.fau.de/since/radolan


RADOLAN is the German Rainradar system of Deutscher Wetterdienst

DWD Information on RADOLAN

Dwd logo 258x69.png

see also


Document list below

DWD Radolan Opendata

The data is stored in proprietary file formats based on Fortran conventions. As of 2018-08 we did not find an open source Java library to read these formats so BITPlan decided to make one available. Fortunaly Jonny Schäfer created a golang RADOLAN library that was quite easy to port/migrate.

The above two urls are considered "known urls" by the Radolan Java Library and access to these will lead to local caching of the data.

First Steps


or if you'd like to build the Radolan software yourself:



Make sure the prerequisites are checked. Download the software for your platform from #Downloads or build the software yourself


Run the software with

java -jar radolan.jar

or radolan (If you built the software yourself: cd com.bitplan.radolan/release before this command).


Radar film

Calling radolan with no arguments will show the current DWD radar film radfilm_brd_akt.gif

java -jar release/radolan.jar

which is equivalent to

java -jar release/radolan.jar -i https://www.dwd.de/DWD/wetter/radar/radfilm_brd_akt.gif

Radar snapshot


java -jar release/radolan.jar -i https://www.dwd.de/DWD/wetter/radar/rad_brd_akt.jpg

Daily summary (SF)

The picture below renders the https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan/sf/raa01-sf_10000-latest-dwd---bin radolan SF file as of 2018-08-18 19:50.

2018-08-18 1950.png

The command to create this picture was:

java -jar radolan.jar -i https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan/sf/raa01-sf_10000-latest-dwd---bin -o 2018-08-18_1950.png -st 5
  • -i specified the input url
  • -o specified the output image
  • -st specified the number of seconds the image should be shown

Hourly sum (RW)

The picture belows renders the https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan/rw/raa01-rw_10000-latest-dwd---bin file as of 2018-08-17 08:50

Rw2018-08-17 0850.png

The command to create the picture was:

java -jar radolan -i https://opendata.dwd.de/weather/radar/radolan/rw/raa01-rw_10000-1808170650-dwd---bin -o rw2018-08-17_0850.png -st 5

Historical data (SF)

The picture below renders the ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC/grids_germany/daily/radolan/recent/raa01-sf_10000-1805301650-dwd---bin.gz SF files as of 2018-05-30 16:50

Sf-2018-05-30 1650.png

The command to create this picture was:

java -jar radolan.jar -i ftp://ftp-cdc.dwd.de/pub/CDC/grids_germany/daily/radolan/recent/raa01-sf_10000-1805301650-dwd---bin.gz -o sf-2018-05-30_1650.png -st 5


Commandline Arguments

java -jar release/radolan.jar -h
Radolan: 0.0.1

  usage: java Radolan
 -b (--borderName) WERT : borderName
                           (Vorgabe: 2_bundeslaender/2_hoch.geojson)
 -cp (--cachePath) WERT : path to Cache
                          the path to the Cache (Vorgabe: /Users/wf/.radolan)
 -d (--debug)           : debug
                          create additional debug output if this switch is used
                          (Vorgabe: false)
 -h (--help)            : help
                          show this usage (Vorgabe: true)
 -i (--input) WERT      : input
                          url/file of the input
 -l (--location) WERT   : location/show data at the given location
 -nc (--noCache)        : noCache
                          do not use local cache (Vorgabe: false)
 -o (--output) WERT     : output/e.g. path of png/jpg/gif file
 -p (--product) WERT    : product e.g. SF,RW,RY or alias daily,hourly,5min
                          (Vorgabe: sf)
 -s (--show)            : show
                          show resulting image (Vorgabe: true)
 -st (--showTime) N     : showTime
                          show result for the given time in seconds (Vorgabe:
 -v (--version)         : showVersion
                          show current version if this switch is used (Vorgabe:
 -z (--zoom) N          : zoom/zoom to a grid size of zxz km (Vorgabe: 30.0)

Interactive Usage

When you hover over a picture the location and amount of precipitation at the given position will be displayed as a tooltip.

Radolan hover 2018-08-16.png


Please report any issues via


Using with Maven



git clone https://github.com/BITPlan/com.bitplan.radolan
cd com.bitplan.radolan
mvn install -D skipTests

The resulting jar and exe files are in the release subdirectory.


cd com.bitplan.radolan
mvn test
Results :

Tests run: 28, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

Libraries used


This java port of https://gitlab.cs.fau.de/since/radolan is not fully complete yet. E.g. the RunLength and SingleByte Encodings have not been ported yet. You are welcome to send a pullrequest to incorporate this functionality or ask for help via BITPlan's contact form

Credits/ Copyrights

Jonny Schäfer

Thanks to Jonny Schäfer of the Computer Science Department of Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) for the golang radolan implementation on which this project is based.


Dwd logo 258x69.png

This project is based on copyrighted and open sourced material from Deutscher Wetterdienst. You may only use it in conformance with



  1. https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/radolan/radolan_info/radolan_radvor_op_komposit_format_pdf.pdf
  2. https://www.dwd.de/DE/leistungen/gds/weiterfuehrende_informationen.zip
  3. - legend_radar_products_fz_forecast.pdf
  4. - legend_radar_products_pg_coordinates.pdf
  5. - legend_radar_products_radolan_rw_sf.pdf
  6. Niederschlagsbestimmung
  7. RADOLAN Produktübersicht


  1. Wetterradar Anwendungen und neue Entwicklungen - VDI Expertenform 2013-10-23 Bonn - PDF

Radolan Infos

see Radolan Infos Overview


  1. RADOLAN Information #1 vom 18.01.2005
  2. RADOLAN Information #2 vom 18.05.2005


  1. RADOLAN Information #3 vom 26.06.2007
  2. RADOLAN Information #4 vom 06.07.2007
  3. RADOLAN Information #5 vom 17.07.2007
  4. RADOLAN Information #6 vom 09.11.2007
  5. RADOLAN Information #7 vom 21.11.2007
  6. RADOLAN Information #8 vom 23.11.2007
  7. RADOLAN Information #9 vom 28.12.2007


  1. RADOLAN Information #10 vom 18.05.2009
  2. RADOLAN Information #11 vom 28.05.2009


  1. RADOLAN Information #12 vom 15.02.2010
  2. RADOLAN Information #13 vom 03.03.2010
  3. RADOLAN Information #14 vom 05.03.2010
  4. RADOLAN Information #15 vom 25.03.2010
  5. RADOLAN Information #16 vom 30.04.2010
  6. RADOLAN Information #17 vom 09.07.2010


  1. RADOLAN Information #18 vom 07.02.2011
  2. RADOLAN Information #19 vom 16.02.2011
  3. RADOLAN Information #20 vom 06.04.2011
  4. RADOLAN Information #21 vom 01.06.2011


  1. RADOLAN Information #22 vom 11.01.2012
  2. RADOLAN Information #23 vom 13.04.2012
  3. RADOLAN Information #24 vom 21.11.2012
  4. RADOLAN Information #25 vom 14.12.2012


  1. RADOLAN Information #26 vom 04.04.2013
  2. RADOLAN Information #27 vom 17.06.2013
  3. RADOLAN Information #28 vom 20.06.2013
  4. RADOLAN Information #29 vom 05.07.2013
  5. RADOLAN Information #30 vom 30.08.2013
  6. RADOLAN Information #31 vom 01.10.2013
  7. RADOLAN Information #32 vom 31.10.2013
  8. RADOLAN Information #33 vom 10.12.2013
  9. RADOLAN Information #34 vom 19.12.2013


  1. RADOLAN Information #35 vom 24.01.2014
  2. RADOLAN Information #36 vom 31.03.2014
  3. RADOLAN Information #37 vom 03.06.2014
  4. RADOLAN Information #38 vom 08.10.2014
  5. RADOLAN Information #39 vom 14.11.2014


  1. RADOLAN Information #40 vom 02.04.2015


  1. RADOLAN Information #41 vom 02.09.2016


  1. RADOLAN Information #42 vom 01.02.2017
  2. RADOLAN Information #43 vom 04.09.2017
  3. RADOLAN Information #44 vom 13.09.2017
  4. RADOLAN Information #45 vom 25.10.2017


  1. RADOLAN Information #46 vom 27.02.2018
  2. RADOLAN Information #47 vom 25.04.2018

Other Libraries