Difference between revisions of "CleanArchitectureGenerator"

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* https://wiki.bitplan.com/index.php/Py-sidif
* https://wiki.bitplan.com/index.php/Py-sidif
* https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/py-yprinciple-gen
* https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/py-yprinciple-gen
* Usercode Section python project ...

Revision as of 10:34, 1 September 2024


  • Metadaten von Usecases
  • Zugriffsschichtcode in Springboot
  • Annotationen
  • Entities z.B. ID Attribute - Java X
  • Interfaces, Methodensignaturen
  • Clean-Architecture Ebenen:
    • Infrastruktur - Datenbankebene, REST-Communication
    • Domain-Ebene - fachliche Sicht
    • Modell-Ebene - Abstrakation
    • Usecase-Ebene - Services und Aufrufe
    • Applications-Ebene

Alles in git als unabhängige Projekte - mit POM


  • Manual Changes back to metamodel
  • verifification - is everything still compliant?
