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  Wolfgang Fahl 2022-11-19
  Wolfgang Fahl 2022-11-19

Revision as of 11:48, 21 November 2022

id  pysotsog
state  active
owner  WolfgangFahl
title  pysotsog is a python library for scholars to help navigate the conceptual knowledge graph consisting of authors,organizations,papers,scientific events,scientific event series
url  https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/pysotsog
version  0.0.8
date  2022-11-17
since  2022-11-19


Standing on the shoulders of giants is a core motto for scholars when doing research. To pursue this motto scholars need to be able to navigate the conceptual knowledge graph depicted in the diagram below. This knowledge graph is implemented in Wikidata,dblp, library catalogs such as TIB and the general internet. Quite a few items for the relevant entities are accessible via the scholia portal.

pysotsog is a python library to improve the search, navigation and general accessibility of the items in this scholary knowledge graph.



Search strategy

sotsog searches are specialized. They will try to select results by relevance. E.g. if you search for the country "Singapore" the disambiguation will make sure that the ghost town "Singapore" in wikidata is ignored since it is not related as much to the scientific context as the Singapore city-state is.

wd search Singapore
Q334       Singapore city-state in maritime Southeast Asia
Q3306197   Central Area, Singapore city centre of Singapore
Q4420036   Singapore in the Straits Settlements period of Singapore History
Q3484945   Singapore 1947 film by John Brahm
Q7522845   Singapore ghost town in Michigan
Q5124558   Civil Service College college for Singapore government employees
Q7522857   Singapore 1980  song by 2 Plus 1
Q30628723  Singapore settlement in South Africa
Q110537331 Singapore ship built in 1924
Q98150266  Singapore 2002 children's nonfiction book
Q20470370  Singapore listed historical ship in Sweden
Q30276503  Singapore preserved British 0-4-0ST locomotive
Q48990479  Singapore British-bred Thoroughbred racehorse
Q11893609  Singapore album by Frederik
Q7522855   Singapore 1960 film directed by Shakti Samanta
Q97987607  SINGAPORE Barque built in Aberdeen in 1833
Q115262842 Singapore geographic township in Ontario, Canada
Q84264331  Singapore ship built in 2004
Q170422    2010 Summer Youth Olympics 2010 edition of the Summer Youth Olympics
Q40176     Singapore MRT rapid transit system in Singapore
Q7522845   Singapore ghost town in Michigan

The above search is first filtered by relevant classes that is the P31*/P279* relations of wikidata are considered to find items that have a base class which is part of the concept skg shown above.

For relevant "neighbors" of our instances the same holds true depending on the relevance calculated as a function of frequency and or value. E.g. Singapore (Q334) is rated heigh since the frequency of scientific academic conferences in Singapore is high enough to make it relevant for the wdt:P17 country property of an event try query!.

To get the frequency information we scan our sources regularly e.g. using wikidata,dblp and conferencecorpus as the sources. In the first phase the relevance calculations will be focussed on scientific events since this work is part of the ConfIDent project.

A special case is "academic field" "topic of work" and the likes which are specifically only tracked for the most relevant items e.g. the most relevant 1000,10.000,100.000,1.000.000, 10.000,000 and so - this is a "long-tail" issue that will only be covered by counting links and keeping as much relevance information as is technically and organizationally a "low hanging fruit". Here no specific class handling is done anymore - the class info is only available by following the link (this does not mean that search by topic is not possible since of course the topic itself will be searchable and of course a reverse search "WhatLinksHere" is possible but no further structure is available directly in the sotsog code or infrastructure.


pip install pysotsog
# alternatively if your pip is not a python3 pip
pip3 install pysotsog 
# local install from source directory of pysotsog 
pip install .


pip install pysotsog  -U
# alternatively if your pip is not a python3 pip
pip3 install pysotsog -U

Open Source access

git clone https://github.com/WolfgangFahl/pysotsog
cd pysotsog
pip install .


pip install green
Ran 14 tests in 13.228s using 4 processes

OK (passes=14)


Command line

sotsog -h
usage: sotsog [-h] [-d] [-la LANG] [-li LIMIT] [-V] [search ...]

python Library for Scholars to achieve "Standing on the shoulders of giants"

  Created by Wolfgang Fahl on 2022-11-16.
  Copyright 2022 Wolfgang Fahl. All rights reserved.

  Licensed under the Apache License 2.0

  Distributed on an "AS IS" basis without warranties
  or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.


positional arguments:
  search                search terms

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           show debug info
  -la LANG, --lang LANG
                        language code to use
  -li LIMIT, --limit LIMIT
                        limit the number of search results
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit



Tim Berners-Lee

sotsog Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee(Q80):English computer scientist, inventor of the World Wide Web (born 1955)✅
Scholar➜Tim Berners-Lee:
opening https://scholia.toolforge.org/author/Q80 in browser


We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet

sotsog We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet
We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet(Q55693402):✅
Paper➜We Need a Magna Carta for the Internet:
  publication_date=2014-07-01 00:00:00
opening https://scholia.toolforge.org/work/Q55693402 in browser


RWTH Aachen

sotsog RWTH
RWTH Aachen University(Q273263):university in Aachen, Germany✅
Institution➜RWTH Aachen University:
  short_name=RWTH Aachen
  inception=1870-10-10 00:00:00
opening https://scholia.toolforge.org/organization/Q273263 in browser

Event Series


sotsog WWW       
The Web Conference(Q3570023):conference series✅
EventSeries➜The Web Conference:
  title=The Web Conference
  inception=1994-01-01 00:00:00
opening https://scholia.toolforge.org/event-series/Q3570023 in browser


VNC 2021

sotsog VNC 2021
2021 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC)(Q109551429):2021 edition of VNC Conference on Vehicular Networking✅
Event➜2021 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC):
  title=2021 IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference (VNC)
opening https://scholia.toolforge.org/event/Q109551429 in browser


Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022)

sotsog "Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022)"
Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022)(Q115118238):Proceedings of DL 2022 workshop✅
Proceedings➜Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022):
  short_name=DL 2022
  title=Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2022)
  publication_date=2022-11-03 00:00:00
opening https://scholia.toolforge.org/venue/Q115118238 in browser

Mediawiki extension Semantic Cite suppport

The Semantic Cite notation is one of the markups that sotsog supports.


sotsog -nb --scite Citation.js
Citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line(Q60565832):✅
Paper ➞ Citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line:
  publication_date=2019-01-05 00:00:00
scite markup:
citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line
|title=Citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line
|authors=Lars G Willighagen

citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line


Dblp schema

dblp sparql query example

The diagram below tells us that there is a generic property "webpage" available for the entities in dblp. The following query searches for linkedin webpages associated with dblp entries:

PREFIX dblp: <https://dblp.org/rdf/schema#>
SELECT ?item ?webpage WHERE {
  ?item dblp:webpage ?webpage .
  FILTER REGEX(?webpage, "linkedin")

try it!

UML Class Diagram

This UML Class Diagram has been generated from the dblp OWL schema at https://dblp.org/rdf/schema. The graphic is in SVG format - just open it in a new tab to zoom in and out


  1. ^  Lars G Willighagen. () "Citation.js: a format-independent, modular bibliography tool for the browser and command line" . doi: 10.7287/peerj.preprints.27466v1