Wolfgang Fahl

Deprecated / Outdated[edit]


sudo npm install -g @jscad/openjscad

Start script[edit]

I am using the following startscript which i name "oj" and put it in my user's bin directory

# WF 2019-03-16
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@jscad/openjscad
open index.html

Dockerized Version[edit]


The dockerized version allows to mount a "workspace" directory that you can use.

docker run --publish=8080:8080 --name openjscad  --volume $HOME/openjscad/workspace:/openjscad/packages/web/examples/workspace bitplan/openjscad:latest

You should then be able to run e.g.

and the RCHolder folder might be from your own workspace. To fill the RCHolder folder with content you can use the files from:

Convert from BlocksCAD?[edit]

You can save your BlocksCAD designs as Scad files which can (mostly) be directly used with OpenJSCAD. The conversion from the OpenSCAD syntax to OpenJSCAD is explained in the User's Guide.

Start script[edit]

I am using the following startscript which i name "oj" and put it in my user's bin directory

# WF 2019-03-16
cd /usr/local/lib/node_modules/@jscad/openjscad
open index.html

Dockerized Version[edit]


The dockerized version allows to mount a "workspace" directory that you can use.

docker run --publish=8080:8080 --name openjscad  --volume $HOME/openjscad/workspace:/openjscad/packages/web/examples/workspace bitplan/openjscad:latest

You should then be able to run e.g.

and the RCHolder folder might be from your own workspace. To fill the RCHolder folder with content you can use the files from:

Convert from BlocksCAD?[edit]

You can save your BlocksCAD designs as Scad files which can (mostly) be directly used with OpenJSCAD. The conversion from the OpenSCAD syntax to OpenJSCAD is explained in the User's Guide.

🖨 🚪