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Rythm template source

@// Rythm template for Bootstrap form handling with validation
@import org.simplejavamail.mailer.Mailer
@import com.bitplan.mail.SimpleMail
@import com.bitplan.smw.PropertyMap
@import com.bitplan.wikifrontend.PostService
@// field definitions
@def static {
 // a form with fields
  class Form {
    boolean debug = false;
    Captcha captcha;
    boolean de; // true if things are to be displayed in german
    Map<String, Field> fieldMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Field>();
    MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams;

    String title;
    String title_de;

    String success;
    String success_de;

    String subject = "Contact Form Request";

    String submit = "Send";
    String submit_de = "Absenden";

    String id = "contact_form";

    boolean submitted = false;

     * construct the form
     * @param de
     *          - german?
     * @param postService
     * @param postToken
     * @param fields
    public Form(boolean de, PostService postService, String postToken,
        Field[] fields) { = de;
      // get the form parameters from the postService
      this.getFormParams(postService, postToken);
      // add all fields
      for (Field field : fields) {
      captcha = new Captcha(formParams, de);
      for (Field field : captcha.getFields()) {

      if (postService != null) {
        addField(new HiddenField("postToken", postService.getPostToken()));

    // true if the form has never been submitted yet
    public boolean isNew() {
      return !submitted;

    // check whether the form is complete
    // and the captcha has been entered
    public String robotCheck() {
      String msg = null;
      if (!submitted)
        return msg;
      Field captchaField = getField("captcha");
      Field expectedField = getField("expected");
      // check that captcha and expected Field are ok.
      if (captchaField != null && expectedField != null) {
        String captchaValue = captchaField.value;
        String expectedValue = expectedField.value;
        boolean ok = captchaValue != null && expectedValue != null
            && !expectedValue.isEmpty() && expectedValue.equals(captchaValue);
        if (!ok) {
          String msg_de = "Bitte geben Sie das richtige Ergebnis für die Aufgabe "
              + captcha.task + " ein.";
          String msg_en = "Please enter the correct result for the task "
              + captcha.task + ".";
          msg = de ? msg_de : msg_en;
      Field robotField = getField("whatami");
      if (robotField != null) {
        String robotValue = robotField.value;
        boolean noRobot = robotValue.equals("Human")
            || robotValue.equals("Mensch");
        if (!noRobot) {
          String msg_de = "Als Roboter geht es hier nicht weiter ...";
          String msg_en = "As a robot there is no progress here ...";
          msg = de ? msg_de : msg_en;
      return msg;

    public String asMail() {
      String mail = "";
      for (Field field : getFields()) {
        mail += String.format("%s=%s\n",, field.value);
      return mail;

    public void getFormParams(PostService postService, String postToken) {
      if (postToken != null) {
        formParams = postService.getPostData(postToken);
        if (formParams != null) {
          submitted = true;

     * get my fields from the post
    public void fromPost() {
      if (submitted) {
        for (Field field : getFields()) {
          field.value = formParams.getFirst(;
        } // for
      } // if

    public void setTitle(String title, String title_de) {
      this.title = title;
      this.title_de = title_de;

    public void setSubmit(String submit, String submit_de) {
      this.submit = submit;
      this.submit_de = submit_de;

    public void setSuccess(String success, String success_de) {
      this.success = success;
      this.success_de = success_de;

    public void setSubject(String subject) {
      this.subject = subject;

    public Collection<Field> getFields() {
      return fieldMap.values();

    public void addField(Field field) {
      fieldMap.put(, field);

    public Field getField(String fieldName) {
      Field field = fieldMap.get(fieldName);
      return field;

  class SelectField extends Field {
    List<String> selections = new ArrayList<String>();

    public void addSelection(String selection) {

    public void addSelections(String[] pSelections) {

    public SelectField(String name, String label_en, String label_de,
        String placeholder_en, String placeholder_de, String icon, int min) {
      super(name, label_en, label_de, placeholder_en, placeholder_de, icon,

    public SelectField(String name, String label_en, String label_de,
        String icon, int min) {
      super(name, label_en, label_de, label_en, label_de, icon, min);

  class HiddenField extends Field {
    public HiddenField(String name, String value) {
      super(name, name, name, "flash", 0);
      super.hidden = true;
      super.value = value;

  class TextAreaField extends Field {
    public TextAreaField(String name, String label_en, String label_de,
        String placeholder_en, String placeholder_de, String icon, int min) {
      super(name, label_en, label_de, placeholder_en, placeholder_de, icon,

    public TextAreaField(String name, String label_en, String label_de,
        String icon, int min) {
      super(name, label_en, label_de, label_en, label_de, icon, min);

  class TextField extends Field {
    public TextField(String name, String label_en, String label_de,
        String placeholder_en, String placeholder_de, String icon, int min) {
      super(name, label_en, label_de, placeholder_en, placeholder_de, icon,

    public TextField(String name, String label_en, String label_de, String icon,
        int min) {
      super(name, label_en, label_de, label_en, label_de, icon, min);

  // a field
  class Field {
    boolean hidden = false;
    String id;
    String name;
    String label_en;
    String label_de;
    String labelClass = "";

    String placeholder_en;
    String placeholder_de;
    String icon;
    String value;
    int min;

    public Field(String name, String label_en, String label_de,
        String placeholder_en, String placeholder_de, String icon, int min) { = name; = name;
      this.label_en = label_en;
      this.label_de = label_de;
      this.placeholder_de = placeholder_de;
      this.placeholder_en = placeholder_en;
      this.icon = icon;
      this.min = min;

    public Field(String name, String label_en, String label_de, String icon,
        int min) {
      this(name, label_en, label_de, label_en, label_de, icon, min);


   * turing test by performing a mathematical task
  class Captcha {
    String expected;
    String task;
    List<Field> fields = new ArrayList<Field>();

     * create a captcha
     * @param formParams
    public Captcha(MultivaluedMap<String, String> formParams, boolean de) {
      if (formParams!=null && formParams.containsKey("expected")) {
        expected = formParams.getFirst("expected");
        task = formParams.getFirst("task");
      } else {
        int a1 = (int) (Math.random() * 10 + 1);
        int a2 = (int) (Math.random() * 10 + 1);
        expected = "" + (a1 + a2);
        String task_de = "Was ist " + a1 + "+" + a2 + "?";
        String task_en = "What is " + a1 + "+" + a2 + "?";
        task = de ? task_de : task_en;
      // not quite ok since we have the language preselected
      fields.add(new TextField("captcha", task, task, "question-sign", 1));
      fields.add(new HiddenField("task", task));
      fields.add(new HiddenField("expected", expected));
      SelectField robotField = new SelectField("whatami", "What am i?",
          "Was bin ich?", "Human", "Mensch", "book", 0);
      String[] robots_en = { "Human", "Robot" };
      String[] robots_de = { "Mensch", "Roboter" };
      if (de) {
      } else {

     * get the fields that are needed for the Captcha/Robot check
     * @return
    public List<Field> getFields() {
      return fields;
  } // Captcha
@// optional debugging of form
@def formDebug(Form form) {
@if (form.formParams!=null && form.debug) {
  @for(String key : form.formParams.keySet()){
@//optional feedback
@def feedback(Form form) {
  @for(String key : form.formParams.keySet()){
  Field field=form.getField(key);
@if (!field.hidden) {
@// display an alert
@def alert(String alertType,String icon, String message) {
    <div class="row">
      <div class="col-md-12">
         <div class="alert alert-@(alertType)"><strong><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-@(icon)"></span> @(message)</strong></div>
@// add a bootstrap field validation
@def fieldvalidate(boolean de,Field field) {
@( @("{")
   validators:  @("{")
     stringLength: @("{")
        min: @(field.min),
     notEmpty: @("{")
        message: '@(de?"Bitte "+field.label_de+" eingeben":"Please enter "+field.label_en)'
@// add a form field
@def field(boolean de,Field pField) {
  @if (pField instanceof HiddenField) {
    @hiddenField(de,(HiddenField) pField)
  @if (pField instanceof TextField) {
  @if (pField instanceof TextAreaField) {
  @if (pField instanceof SelectField) {
@// add a hidden form field
@def hiddenField(boolean de,HiddenField field) {
  <!-- Hidden input -->
        <input type="hidden" name="@(" id="@(" value="@(field.value)" >
@// add a textarea form field
@def textAreaField(boolean de,TextAreaField field) {
    <!-- TextArea input-->
             <textarea name="@(" id="@(" placeholder="@(de?field.placeholder_de:field.placeholder_en)" class="form-control">@(field.value)</textarea>
@// add a text form field
@def textField(boolean de,TextField field) {
    <!-- Text input-->
             <input type="text" name="@(" id="@(" placeholder="@(de?field.placeholder_de:field.placeholder_en)" class="form-control" value="@(field.value)" >
@// add a select form field
@def selectField(boolean de,SelectField field) {
    <!-- Select input-->
             <select name="@(" id="@(" class="form-control selectpicker" >
             <option value=" " >@(de?"Bitte "+field.label_de+" wählen":"Please select "+field.label_en)</option>
            @for(String option:field.selections) {
@{ String selected=option.equals(field.value)?"selected":"";}
             <option @(selected)>@(option)</option>
@// open a form-group for a field
@def preField(boolean de,Field field) {
        <div class="form-group">
          <label class="col-md-3 control-label @field.labelClass">@(de?field.label_de:field.label_en)</label>  
          <div class="col-md-6 inputGroupContainer">
            <div class="input-group">
              <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-@(field.icon)"></i></span>
@// close a form-group for a field
@def postField(Field field) {
@// formvalidation
@def formvalidate(Form form) {
#success_message{ display: none;}
 $(document).ready(function() @("{")
      // To use feedback icons, ensure that you use Bootstrap v3.1.0 or later
      feedbackIcons: @("{")
        valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
        invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',
        validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'
      fields: @("{")
@{ String delim="";}
@for (Field field:form.getFields()) {
@if (!field.hidden) {
@{ delim=",";}
  .on('', function(e) @("{")
    $('#success_message').slideDown(@("{") opacity: "show" @("}"), "slow") // Do something ...

    // Prevent form submission
@// show form content
@def showFormContent(Form form){
   <form class="rounded form-horizontal" action=" " method="post"  id="@(">
        <!-- Form Name -->
@for (Field field:form.getFields()) {
        <!-- Success message -->
        <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert" id="success_message">Success <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></i> @(</div>
        <!-- Button -->
        <div class="form-group">
          <label class="col-md-4 control-label"></label>
          <div class="col-md-4">
            <button type="submit">@(<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-send"></span></button>
@// show form 
@def showform(Form form){
  @if (form.isNew()) {
  } else {
      String msg=form.robotCheck();
    @if (msg==null) {
      @{"Entschuldigen Sie bitte - es ist ein Problem aufgetreten. Bitte nehmen Sie über einen anderen Weg laut Impressum Kontakt mit uns auf!!":"Sorry - there is a problem please contact us via a different channel as per our imprint!";
        String alertType="danger";
        String icon="alert";
        try {
          Mailer mailer=SimpleMail.getMailer();
          if (mailer!=null) {
             Email email=new EmailBuilder()
             .from("BITPlan WebMaster","")
   "Vielen Dank - Ihre Nachricht wurde gesendet":"Thank you - your message was sent";
        } catch (Throwable th) {
          msg="Exception "+th.getClass().getName()+":"+th.getMessage();
    } else {