
Wolfgang Fahl

Help for Step[edit]

StepIcon.pngStepStepStepsA Step is a Graph Traversal Step in the Gremlin language - you can think of it as in instruction an a graph computer


A [ Graph Traversal Step is an 'instruction' for a 'graph computer' in the Gremlin language


Step javadocApache Tinkerpop javadoc documentation for this stepTypes/External Identifierjavadocjavadocfalsefalse
Step kindthe kind of the Step e.g. map, flatMap, terminal StepTypes/Textkindkindfalsefalse
Step levelthe level in the step hierarchyTypes/Numberlevellevelfalsefalse
Step namethe name of the StepTypes/Textnamenametruefalse
Step referencethe reference tag in the Apache Tinkerpop documentationTypes/External Identifierreferencereferencefalsefalse
Step testa Junit Testcase for this stepTypes/Texttesttestfalsefalse
Step textthe description according to the Apache Tinkerpop documentationTypes/Texttexttextfalsefalse
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