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Gremlinfoldreducing barrierfold-stepThere are situations when the traversal stream needs a "barrier" to aggregate all the objects and emit a computation that is a function of the aggregate. The fold()-step (map) is one particular instance of this. Please see unfold()-step for the inverse functionality.3
Gremlinhasfilterhas-stephas-java.lang.String-filters vertices, edges, and vertex properties based on their properties. This step has quite a few variations.2
GremlinhasNextterminalterminal-stepsdetermines whether there are available results2
Gremlinidmapid-stepmaps the traversal to the ids of the current elements.2
GremlininflatMapmaps the current elements to the vertices at the end of the ingoing edges.2
GremlininEflatMapmaps the current elements to the the ingoing edges.2
GremlininVflatMapmaps the current edges to the the ingoing Vertices.2
Gremlinisfilteris-stepis-org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.P-filters elements that fullfill the given predicate. Variant: Filters elements that are equal to the given Object.2
Gremliniterateterminalterminal-stepsIterates the traversal presumably for the generation of side-effects. See
Gremlinlabelmaplabel-stepmaps the traversal to the labels of the current elements.2
Gremlinmapgeneralgeneral-stepstransforms the current step element to a new element (which may be empty). see also
Gremlinmaxreducing barriermax-stepoperates on a stream of comparable objects and determines which is the last object according to its natural order in the stream.3
Gremlinmeanreducing barriermean-stepoperates on a stream of numbers and determines the average of those numbers.3
Gremlinminreducing barriermin-stepoperates on a stream of comparable objects and determines which is the first object according to its natural order in the stream.3
Gremlinnextterminalterminal-stepswill return the next will return the next n results in a list2
Gremlinoptionmodulatoroption-stepAn option to a branch() or choose()2
Gremlinorfilteror-stepor-org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.Traversal...-ensures that at least one of the provided traversals yield a result.2
Gremlinordermaporder-steporder--,order-org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.process.traversal.Scope-orders the traversal elements2