Nicegui widgets/Tutorial

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Example Usecase

This tutorial uses the ConferenceCorpus as it's usecase. As part of my research for the ConfIDent Project i am gathering metadata for scientific events from different datasources. There has been a lack of a proper frontend for the past few years although there have been several attempts to create a webserver and RESTFul services e.g. with

As of 2023-11 the project is now migrated to [nicegui] using the nicegui widgets (demo)

Setting up the project

The project is on github see ConferenceCorpus


A GitHub README is a document that introduces and explains a project hosted on GitHub, providing essential information such as its purpose, how to install and use it, and its features. It is important because it serves as the first point of contact for anyone encountering the project, helping them understand what the project is about and how to engage with it.

The README consists of

  • header
  • badges
  • link to demo
  • example API calls
  • links to documentation
  • authors list

README screenshot as of start of migration



The LICENSE file in a software project specifies the legal terms under which the software can be used, modified, and shared, defining the rights and restrictions for users and developers. Using the Apache License is a good choice for many projects because it is a permissive open-source license that allows for broad freedom in use and distribution, while also providing legal protection against patent claims and requiring preservation of copyright notices.




pyproject.toml is a configuration file used in Python projects to define project metadata, dependencies, and build system requirements, providing a consistent and standardized way to configure Python projects. For more information, see pyproject.toml documentation.

Hatchling is a popular choice for a build system because it offers a modern, fast, and straightforward approach to building and managing Python projects, aligning well with the standardized structure provided by pyproject.toml. Learn more about Hatchling at Hatchling on GitHub.

This pyproject.toml file configures the Python project 'ConferenceCorpus', an API for accessing academic events and event series from different sources.

Build System

The [build-system] section defines the build requirements and backend. It specifies the use of 'hatchling' as the build backend:

requires = ["hatchling"]
build-backend = ""

Hatchling is a modern build backend for Python projects, aligning with PEP 517.

Project Metadata

Under the [project] section, several key details about the project are listed:

name = "ConferenceCorpus"
description = "python api providing access to academic events and event series from different sources"
home-page = ""
readme = ""
license = {text = "Apache-2.0"}
authors = [{name = "Wolfgang Fahl", email = ""}]
maintainers = [{name = "Wolfgang Fahl", email = ""}]
requires-python = ">=3.9"
classifiers = ['Programming Language :: Python', ...]
dynamic = ["version"]

This section sets the project's name, description, homepage, README, license, authors, maintainers, required Python version, classifiers, and dynamic versioning.


The dependencies section lists the required external libraries for the project to function:

dependencies = [

These dependencies ensure that the necessary packages are installed for the project.

Project Scripts

The [project.scripts] section defines executable commands for various functionalities, with a focus on the `ccServer` script for starting the web server:

ccServer = "corpus.web.cc_cmd:main"

Understanding the ccServer Script

  • Command: ccServer is the command that users will run in the terminal.
  • Function: The value "corpus.web.cc_cmd:main" specifies the Python function that gets executed when `ccServer` is invoked.
    • Package and Module: The first part, corpus.web.cc_cmd, is the Python package and module where the function resides.
    • Function Name: The second part, main, is the name of the function within that module.


- To start the webserver, a user would execute the following command in the terminal:

 $ ccServer

- This command calls the `main` function from the `` file located in the `corpus.web` package, effectively initiating the web server for the ConferenceCorpus project.

Project URLs

The [project.urls] section provides links to the project's home, source, and documentation:

Home = ""
Source = ""
Documentation = ""

These URLs direct users to relevant resources for the project.