Microsoft does not listen

Wolfgang Fahl

Did you know that Microsoft does not listen?

I'll gather a few examples of frustration arising from Microsoft not listening here.

Visual Studio Code: Automatically set pythonpath correctly for default project setups

1/4 million views so far approx 150 upvotes but no implementation in vscode so far:

The ticket:

was closed in 2024-02 without proper investigation of the needs of the customers

OS language, default language, current language, keyboard, country are ALL independent!!

Who would have believed this? Microsoft never knew since they bought Presenter from Forethought in 1987 to market it as PowerPoint. 33 years later the state of affairs is:

So is needed to see how many people complained about this ..

Bugreporting! What Bug reporting?

So there is a bug in your software and the software detects it. See e.g. how Powerpoint 2016 might crash: Screenshot2020-11-20.png

You even get an apology that part of your work might have been lost due to the bug.

What options to report the bug and get it fixed do you get? Of course none. Why should someone want this bug to be fixed. There is a repair option that might or might not work and no need to fix or listen. Your work might be lost but so what - you are using Microsoft software and loosing your work due to bugs in Microsoft software is going to be part of your daily routine soon. Get used to it and plan for it. I wonder what the valuation of Microsoft corp would be if the company would have to pay for all the lost work that is created with bugs like the one shown above. Could well be below zero ...

Command Language in Excel

This was very useful to me, +1! It is absurd that one should change the language of all the Office package only to have the Excel formulas in English, but it's Microsoft, no surprise!

Links in PDF Export for notes pages

Used to work and is now broken. See:

for how Microsoft ignores the issue The link to the uservoice mentioned in the above blog entry:

is broken.

Powerpoint number of slides

Again 33 years later no need to count automatically - let the users have some fun doing this any time they add or remove a slide: PowerPoint can automatically add numbers to your slides, but it can't automatically show a count (such as "slide 2 of 12"). You have to do that manually.

Visual Studio Code: Automatically set pythonpath correctly for default project setups[edit]

1/4 million views so far approx 150 upvotes but no implementation in vscode so far:

The ticket:

was closed in 2024-02 without proper investigation of the needs of the customers

OS language, default language, current language, keyboard, country are ALL independent!![edit]

Who would have believed this? Microsoft never knew since they bought Presenter from Forethought in 1987 to market it as PowerPoint. 33 years later the state of affairs is:

So is needed to see how many people complained about this ..

Bugreporting! What Bug reporting?[edit]

So there is a bug in your software and the software detects it. See e.g. how Powerpoint 2016 might crash: Screenshot2020-11-20.png

You even get an apology that part of your work might have been lost due to the bug.

What options to report the bug and get it fixed do you get? Of course none. Why should someone want this bug to be fixed. There is a repair option that might or might not work and no need to fix or listen. Your work might be lost but so what - you are using Microsoft software and loosing your work due to bugs in Microsoft software is going to be part of your daily routine soon. Get used to it and plan for it. I wonder what the valuation of Microsoft corp would be if the company would have to pay for all the lost work that is created with bugs like the one shown above. Could well be below zero ...

Command Language in Excel[edit]

This was very useful to me, +1! It is absurd that one should change the language of all the Office package only to have the Excel formulas in English, but it's Microsoft, no surprise!

Powerpoint number of slides[edit]

Again 33 years later no need to count automatically - let the users have some fun doing this any time they add or remove a slide: PowerPoint can automatically add numbers to your slides, but it can't automatically show a count (such as "slide 2 of 12"). You have to do that manually.

🖨 🚪